Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tribute From Fire Department.

Our Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department's web page has a nice tribute to its longtime member Marion Butler, Sr., who passed away last weekend.  

Take a look: http://www.pocomokefire.com/

  Marion Butler, Sr., (center)

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  1. Anonymous9:28:00 AM

    Those five fellows did a hell of a lot for Pocomoke and never asked for a single penny in return.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous10:31:00 AM

    Slim I agree with you. These guys helped define "Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore" Proud to say that I knew them all, from the early a.m. coffee at the old firehouse to most recent, some memory. We are so fortunate that our town can carry on with the legacy.

  3. Anonymous1:55:00 PM

    I agree. What is to also be admired are currently the young people who volunteer for fire service.

  4. Anonymous2:20:00 PM

    Richard Wimbrow was an awesome mechanic. He always carried a small adjustable wrench on his key ring and he knew how to use it. He was at a fire one time and the small Briggs & Stratton engine on a portable pump quit and I saw him take the head off, clean the valves and put it back in operation in less than five minutes, all with just that little wrench.

    Your friend,

  5. Anonymous9:00:00 AM

    Pocomoke was first incorporated 1n 1865 as New Town. In 1965 the town held a centennial celebration with a beard growing contest as part of the festivities. The fellow on the right, George Henderson, won the contest; he beat out Bobby Judd by a whisker.

    Your friend,


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