Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"Katherine" Is Visiting

(The Virginian-Pilot)

If you are out drum fishing off Oyster, keep an eye out for Katherine.

The great white shark sent a satellite ping Sunday afternoon from a location about 10 miles off Cobb Island, one of the Eastern Shore barrier islands just east of the town of Oyster.
Katherine is one of the many sharks caught and tagged by Ocearch, a shark research organization.
Katherine last came to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean about 80 miles off Virginia Beach several weeks ago.
When she was tagged off Cape Cod four years ago, Katherine was 14 feet, 2 inches long and weighed 2,300 pounds.
Much bigger these days, she would be recognized by the large satellite tag mounted to her dorsal fin.
You can keep up with Katherine and all the other sharks at
(2013 photo of "Katherine" off of Cape Cod)

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