Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pocomoke Students Recognized For Helping

(From WBAL, Baltimore)

Pocomoke High School Student United Way gets Honor Row

The Pocomoke High School Student United Way is being honored at Sunday's Baltimore Ravens game for going above and beyond to help others in the community.
"I just want to help people for as long as I can," 11th grade student Gracie Boyce said.
The warriors dish up meals for those in the community who need one, including recently at the Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City. With the help of volunteers, like the Pocomoke High School Student United Way, up to 250 meals a week can be served from the shelter.
"You're helping someone. You don't know what they're going through, a random stranger. You're helping them. You're just that little thing. You just made their life so much better, made their day so much easier, and you just get that feeling," 11th grade student Michaela Redding said.
On Wednesday, the students packed up a comfort dish, chili with pasta, and warm apples with berries. And they prepared for the next meal offering.
"It's so amazing to see everyone so thankful, and it feels really good to see that you're making a difference to somebody and they're just so appreciative to you," Boyce said.
The group's hard work doesn't end there.
"They really enjoy doing things like wheelchair ramp builds, visiting some of our agencies in the springtime, and we stuff Christmas stockings around the holidays, and that kind of thing," said Chelsea Johnson, with the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore.
The group hosts a St. Patrick's Day party at the senior center, spending time with people who have early dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
And the students also create literacy kits for Judy Center toddlers through Maryland Day to Serve.
They put smiles on the faces of others, and the students may let a smile sneak out, too. The group will get to sit in an Honor Row at Sunday's Ravens game.
We also recognize the Pocomoke Key Club and the Salisbury Youth Civics Council.
The Key Club participates in activities like making clay beads to donate to Beads of Courage, donating mugs of love to clients of Meals on Wheels, and raising money for Wreaths Across America to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
The Salisbury Youth Civics Council works closely with governmental and community leaders to raise awareness on youth-related issues, and following the volunteer projects, each student creates a proposal that they share with local officials to improve the community.

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