Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Pocomoke Public Eye

Hi Pocomoke Public Eye readers.

Seven years ago this month I was invited to be a contributor to the Pocomoke Public Eye and I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing items stemming from my interest in searching newspaper archives. 

Unfortunately, circumstances of the past few years left The Pocomoke Public Eye without the services of PPE founder Tom Ayres, and the late Brenda Wise (JMMB) who worked so diligently and enthusiastically every day to keep things informative and interesting.

Although I wasn't able to devote the time to PPE that Tom and Brenda did I would have felt guilty not to try to at least keep it going to some extent. So that's what I've been doing these last several years with my weekly "Time Machine" postings and occasional fill-ins during the week. 

With the help of one or more additional contributors our Pocomoke Public Eye could be immensely enhanced.

Can you or someone you know contribute on an occasional or regular basis?  Items can be brief, lengthy, or in-between. All subjects in good taste are welcomed such  as Community News and Happenings, Opinions, Recollections, or specific interests you might be able to share in such areas as Sports, Fishing, Politics, History, Music, Gardening, Entertainment, Health, Technology, Science, Food & Cooking, Hobbies, etc.,etc.

Please contact me at tkforppe@yahoo.com .

Thank you for giving this consideration.


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