Sunday, November 10, 2019

Time Machine: 1959, 2002, 1940, 1893, 1950.

February, 1959

Salisbury Times

February, 2002

Somerset Herald

November, 1940
Worcester Democrat

(PPE Archive)
August, 1893

Peninsula Enterprise

Circa 1950

Pictured is an early store operated by Sam Walton in Bentonville, Arkansas. He previously operated a chain of Ben Franklin 5 & 10's. His first Wal-Mart store, called Wal-Mart Discount City, opened in Rogers City, Arkansas in July, 1962.


1982..  First edition of USA Today is published.

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

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