Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Gov. Hogan issues executive order requiring face masks in public.


ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference Wednesday afternoon to provide updates on the coronavirus pandemic in the state.

An executive order issued by the governor will require face masks or face coverings to be worn inside retail establishments or when riding any form of public transportation in the state. This also requires staff to wear face coverings and requires those businesses to put appropriate social distancing measures in place. In order to give retailers time to make these adjustments, this order will go into effect at 7 a.m. Saturday, April 18th.


  1. Anonymous5:33:00 AM

    Six weeks ago you could get arrested for wearing a mask or face covering in a retail establishment or when riding public transportation.

  2. Anonymous10:28:00 AM

    So if I'm a bank robber, wearing a mask is now not optional it's required..right?? (Just a little humor in these times, very little I must admit. Stay safe and well everyone.)


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