Sunday, February 7, 2021

Time Machine: 1985, 1882, 2011, 1919, 1921.


February, 1985

The Evening Sun (Baltimore)

(PPE reader comment)

Anonymous said...

Harry Kelley was deaf in one ear and, if you were telling him something he didn't want to hear, he would turn that ear towards you so he could legitimately claim he had never heard it.

 January, 1882

Back in the old days if you were living on the lower Eastern Shore and were going to make a visit to "the city," where would you likely be heading?  The answer can be found below according to this excerpt from a news article about railroads in that era.

Norfolk Virginian

October, 2011 (excerpt)

Daily Times (Salisbury)

August, 1919

Maryland Independent (Port Tobacco)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:03:00 AM

    Harry Kelley was deaf in one ear and, if you were telling him something he didn't want to hear, he would turn that ear towards you so he could legitimately claim he had never heard it.


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