Sunday, March 28, 2021

Time Machine: 1906, 1912, 1922, 1939, 1947, 1921.


William B. Duncan was a prominent farmer, timberman,  businessman, and property owner in the Pocomoke City area but he encountered some bumps in the road along the way. See articles below. (He lived until age 97..1963.. and was survived by sons Clarence E., Marion S., Clinton K., Arville J., Linwood W., and Donald W.).    

July, 1906

Baltimore Sun

Footnote: John W. Allen named in above article is a major subject in the article below.

July, 1912

(The marks appearing on this article were on the archived edition.)

Democratic Messenger 

December, 1912

Baltimore Sun

December, 1912

Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)

April, 1922 


Democratic Messenger

January, 1939

(Duncan and constable tangle)

Salisbury Times

April, 1939
Democratic Messenger
Footnote: "Stet" refers to a case being listed by the court as inactive and being put on hold indefinitely.

October, 1947
Salisbury Times

(PPE reader comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Mr. Duncan died in 1963. Being a man of substance there was much curiosity regarding his estate. One Sunday morning before church services there was a discussion about this and one man asked my father, "How much did he leave?" to which my father replied, "ALL OF IT!"


(In an opinion about our public schools from a century ago perhaps some
 of the wording could have been expressed in more diplomatic terms but doesn't this old fashioned advice seem a valid consideration to ponder?)  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26:00 AM

    I remember when Mr. Duncan died in 1963. Being a man of substance there was much curiosity regarding his estate. One Sunday morning before church services there was a discussion about this and one man asked my father, "How much did he leave?" to which my father replied, "ALL OF IT!"


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster