Tuesday, September 14, 2021

School masks for Maryland


ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP/WBOC)- A panel of Maryland lawmakers approved an emergency measure on Tuesday to require masks in K-12 schools to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

View full news story:

General Assembly Committee Approves Mask Mandate in Md. Schools - WBOC TV

PPE reader comment:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a public school student in Maryland you must wear a mask and practice social distancing. If you are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez you can pay $30,000 for a ticket to the Gala at the Met and be exempt from all those bothersome rules that were made for us peons.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09:00 PM

    If you are a public school student in Maryland you must wear a mask and practice social distancing. If you are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez you can pay $30,000 for a ticket to the Gala at the Met and be exempt from all those bothersome rules that were made for us peons.


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