Monday, April 18, 2022

Effective Tuesday 4/19 at Worcester County Public Schools

(Superintendent of Schools Lou Taylor:)

"As we continue to see positive progress through the pandemic, our schools will now be allowed to host events for families within our schools, like awards assemblies, concerts, and more. While we will still encourage our schools to hold these events outdoors when the weather allows, we know that this may not always be possible. Additionally, adult seating for events will no longer be restricted by COVID-19 physical distancing guidelines. In addition to events, parents will now be allowed to enter our schools for volunteering, meetings, and conferences.

I want to reassure our families that in our school settings, students will continue to observe physical distancing to the greatest extent possible. 

Lastly, I am very excited to share that beginning on Tuesday, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health, our health suites will now be able to provide free at-home COVID-19 tests to students or staff who are demonstrating COVID-19 symptoms, to students in a classroom or cohort in a qualified outbreak, and for household contacts of students or staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19."

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