Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What's next in Snow Hill's riverboat saga?


The "Black-Eyed Susan" riverboat in Snow Hill has gone through $300,000 of repairs. Tuesday's town hall meeting discussed the idea of the mayor bringing in contractors to assess damages.

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Snow Hill's "Black-Eyed Susan" Riverboat Under Discussion | Latest News |

Pocomoke Public Eye reader comment:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now THIS is funny. This is a great example of what happens when local government gets involved in private industry. Kind of like Pocomoke City officials thinking they know how to run a restaurant. I am so glad Susan (Marshall) Harrison was wise enough to stay far away from this turkey.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03:00 AM

    Now THIS is funny. This is a great example of what happens when local government gets involved in private industry. Kind of like Pocomoke City officials thinking they know how to run a restaurant. I am so glad Susan (Marshall) Harrison was wise enough to stay far away from this turkey.


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