Thursday, December 1, 2022

A new financial black eye for Snow Hill's riverboat


"After the town got a jaw-dropping estimate of roughly $600,000 to repair the riverboat and get it certified to carry passengers, the 34 year old Black Eyed Susan has gotten more expensive.

Mayor Mike Pruitt consulted with shipbuilders and maritime maintenance experts, who estimated that it will cost as much as $130,000 per year just for maintenance on the boat."

View news story:

More Money Woes for Troubled Snow Hill Riverboat | Latest News |

(PPE reader comment:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole affair started because Tom Perlazzo's mistress needed to sell this turkey because it was about to bankrupt her and her family. Tom, a long-time Ocean City employee and local hustler told the County Commissioners, "Just trust me."

Nobody, not the County, not the Town of Snow Hill, nobody, did any research or investigation into this thing. It was all unicorns and rainbows but now the bill is coming due. The only good thing I can say is thank God Susan Marshall Harrison did not get sucked into this cesspool.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:47:00 PM

    This whole affair started because Tom Perlazzo's mistress needed to sell this turkey because it was about to bankrupt her and her family. Tom, a long-time Ocean City employee and local hustler told the County Commissioners, "Just trust me."

    Nobody, not the County, not the Town of Snow Hill, nobody, did any research or investigation into this thing. It was all unicorns and rainbows but now the bill is coming due. The only good thing I can say is thank God Susan Marshall Harrison did not get sucked into this cesspool.


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