Thursday, January 5, 2023

Jottings from Mel


So I saw a tee shirt the other day that said "It's weird being the same age as old people."  That's sort of how I feel.  Mentally I don't feel old and can't even think of myself that way, in spite of the fact that I have all kinds of physical issues from multiple cardiac problems, to bad knees, to just fear of falling when I go down even a small flight of stairs.

I must look quite a sight; when I go out to a store, I see little old ladies holding the door for me.  People are always asking me if they can help me with bags/packages.  A few weeks ago I went to a Ravens game.  There were hundreds of us lined up waiting to get on the escalators to the upper deck.  Two ushers came up to ME.  "Sir, come with us, we can take you up in the elevator."

I can remember that when I was about 6 or 7 years old, I believed that there were 3 types of people; there were kids, there were adults, and there were old people. I sort of understood that little kids eventually became bigger kids but had no concept at all that kids became adults or old people. It's not that I couldn't or wouldn't believe that I would become an adult; the idea never even entered my mind any more than the thought that perhaps one day I would turn into an apple tree. Perhaps that is why I am still where I am mentally; I really enjoy all of the same stuff that I did as a kid. One of the great things about having the grandkids (don't get me wrong, I love them all dearly) has been that I got to play with toys again, and I realized, I really like this!

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