Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Future of Chincoteague's famous Beebe Ranch in question

 (Shore Daily News)

“After 100 years, the Beebe family needs to move on and sell the famous Beebe Ranch. What faces our community now are two choices; sell the property or save the property!"

(View news story:)

Museum of Chincoteague looks to save Beebe Ranch - Shore Daily News

(Pocomoke Public Eye reader comment:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am old enough to remember Maureen, Misty and Stormy, Misty's foal born in March 1962. When I was growing up every local child knew of Misty and the Beebe family. Every local was excited when the movie was released and I remember people watching it just to see if they appeared in it.

That time, sadly, has passed. Let the Beebe family move on in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:44:00 PM

    I am old enough to remember Maureen, Misty and Stormy, Misty's foal born in March 1962. When I was growing up every local child knew of Misty and the Beebe family. Every local was excited when the movie was released and I remember people watching it just to see if they appeared in it.

    That time, sadly, has passed. Let the Beebe family move on in peace.


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