Sunday, February 5, 2023

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper, 1937, 1966, 2007, 1917.



April, 1937

 The Daily Times-News (Burlington, S.C.)

January, 1966

Cumberland Evening Times (Cumberland, Md.)

(Pocomoke Public Eye reader comment:)
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1966 Will Hockersmith resigned as state's attorney because of "the pressure of his law practice and other business."

Yeah, right. Whatever you say, Will. Did you learn from Phillip Ancell or did he learn from you?

(Pocomoke Public Eye footnote:)

Phillip Ancell was the City Manager in Pocomoke who was released from his duties in 1967. Ancell had his defenders in the community but the city fathers maintained (Salisbury Daily Times article) "..he had not kept the mayor and council advised of city affairs, and that he had ignored their request on city business, and had refused to carry out assignments in the past on city business." 

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Footnote to your footnote:

It was proven at a public hearing held at Pocomoke High School that Phillip Ancell received payments from Neptune Water Meter Company in return for steering business their way. I was there, along with Paul Cunningham who testified at the hearing.

*March, 2007

Salisbury Daily Times

December, 1917

Democratic Messenger


  1. Anonymous8:52:00 AM

    In 1966 Will Hockersmith resigned as state's attorney because of "the pressure of his law practice and other business."

    Yeah, right. Whatever you say, Will. Did you learn from Phillip Ancell or did he learn from you?

  2. Anonymous12:45:00 PM

    Footnote to your footnote:

    It was proven at a public hearing held at Pocomoke High School that Phillip Ancell received payments from Neptune Water Meter Company in return for steering business their way. I was there, along with Paul Cunningham who testified at the hearing.


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