Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Good news from Chincoteague



How about some good news!

This is a video of two of our 2021 buybacks “Jubilation” and “Martha Lou” who contracted swamp cancer and through an extremely tedious and difficult process have been brought back from a disgusting and formerly fatal disease. This is a short video of them enjoying a bit of turn out after being cooped up undergoing treatments. 


We are happy to report that all four of the ponies that contracted swamp cancer this year are doing great and should recover well. With a lot of help from very very dedicated veterinarians and pony experts this has truly turned the tide in our fight to preserve the ponies for the future here in the wild.

One of the ‘23 buyback fillies “Mimi” had a slight injury to her left eye that was thought to also need some additional care to avoid losing the eye or the filly going blind some decided to send her to a clinic as well to get that taken care of. I am also happy to report that she is also doing well!

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