Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fight For Racial Equality Continues In Somerset County

Well, well, I knew this was coming. I guess will be seeing Al and Jessy soon.
It erks me to no end when I know that there was no qualified apps. for the jobs that are not occupied by blacks in PA.
On another note why is no one crying about the racial equality of the offset of bread winner jobs at the collage UMES. 99.9% of the staff and all the major money jobs in the admin are occupied by blacks. Who's going to stand-up and demand that at least half of those positions should be held by white employees?

The fight for racial equality in Somerset County is far from over. Community activists are preparing for a community meeting to discuss racial disparities in the county. Since the local NAACP and ACLU delivered their discrimination report of minorities in the workforce, over a week ago they say they have received a positive response.

The President of the NAACP, says although nothing has been solved yet, the community and county officials are finally stepping forward to hear some of the concerns. The community meeting will be held on June 11, at St. James United Methodist Church.

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