Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two Somerset County Schools Implement Uniforms

When some Somerset County students head back to school next year they'll have to buy notebooks, pencils, and now uniforms. Greenwood and Deal Island Elementary school students will have to wear uniforms.

"They're not in private school. They're in public school," said Greenwood Parent Tonya Burton. "It's expensive to me because I'ma have to buy uniforms and then I'm going to have to buy regular cloths. It's either or . . . My child she's 8. She grow. She's steady growing. She pick up two, three pounds a week. Therefore I'm going to be buying uniforms two, three times a month."

The change was brought by the Parental Advisory Council, as a way to cut down on peer pressure. Greenwood school officials says the move will help students better concentrate in class.

Principal Nancy O'Neal said, "It allows the kids to really focus on learning and not being pulled and who has something on cooler than they do."

Yomika Dickerson's three daughters attend Greenwood. She says it gets expensive keeping up with the trends and the mandate is a win-win for parents and kids.

She said, "Kids tease each other about the different cloths and shoes that they wear and I think a lot of kids around here have low self esteem."

The Greenwood Elementary School will be sending out information this summer on the dress requirement. The Principal also says there will be fundraisers to help low-income families.

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