Monday, June 29, 2009

House Passes "Climate Change" Bill Virtually UNREAD. Gives Government the Right to Control Every Aspect of American's Lives

President Barack Hussein Obama's dream of authoritarian government made a lunge to reality, as House Democrats narrowly passed historic, repressive climate and energy legislation Friday evening. The goal is giving a domineering, privileged, federal bureaucracy, fascist control over the American economy, and regulation of how it's citizens live their lives.

Spearheaded by Barack Obama and strongly supported by House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi and its two sponsors, Democrat Henry Waxman and Democrat Edward Markey, the bill now goes to the Senate.

Passage was close at 219-212 with only nine Republicans voting in favor and forty-four Democrats breaking ranks to vote against.

"We passed transformational legislation which takes us into the future," Pelosi said at a press conference following the vote, after she and other leaders took congratulatory phone calls from a jubilant Barack Hussein Obama and former Vice President Al Gore.

To Obama, it means that for the first time in American history, the Presidential bureaucracy and congress has the right to tax and control every aspect of your life, from what you wear, to what you eat. All but the wealthiest of Americans will be manipulated by an "approved" energy allotment for keeping cool or warm. It has the capacity to control the minutia of life.

To chief environmentalist huckster Al Gore (who has already made $100,000,000 on bogus science), it means his company will make untold millions through trading in carbon credits. To the American taxpayer, it means a lower standard of living through hundreds of billions in "hidden" taxes as the cost of living for Americans soars. It means loss of jobs, as corporate America outsources production to countries that needn't comply with American carbon regulations.

The bill now goes to the Senate where if approved, Obama's plans for transforming the American Republic into a tightly controlled police state dominated by Black Liberation Theology becomes a reality and the American era comes to an end.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35:00 AM

    This is just another sample of things yet to come within the rest of Obama's term. Now that America has voted him as our president I wonder if those voters are even paying attention to his actions. They can't be.

    Three people to fear: Pelosi, Obama and Gore. What a nutso team!

    Every day our freedoms seem to dim. When most of our freedoms are gone and those not listening now are wondering what went wrong at least the finger pointing won't be going toward a white president. No one can blame the white race anymore for the fear and dread this Obama administration will have caused.



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