Monday, June 29, 2009

Independence Day This Saturday

What's your plans for Independence Day? (yeah I still call it that)

Tell us where the fireworks and events are happening this weekend of the 4th.

If you plan on traveling away from home, don't forget the DUI check-points will be everywhere, and the MSP usually use a bucket truck to catch speeders in Westover at or near Allstate salvage.

This coming weekend is also the Pocomoke Fireman's chicken BBQ, the best BBQ chicken I've ever tasted.

Someone told me that the Pocomoke Fireman's chicken BBQ wouldn't be held at Nocks tire this year can anyone confirm this? If it's true where will it be held?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:13:00 AM

    Route 13, south, across from Midway is what their ad says. I am guessing it will be between Nock's and Pohanka. Just look for the flag, fire trucks, and tent.




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