Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama Offers French Profound Apology For D-Day

President Barack Obama marked D-Day today by issuing a long-awaited American apology for the invasion, saying that “the Nazi threat was a flimsy excuse for blatant American cowboyism.”
“For too long, my country has ignored the devastating impact that 160,000 soldiers, 5,000 ships, and 13,000 aircraft had on both the peace-loving French people and the delicate Normandy ecosystem 65 years ago. My friends, the epic struggle between good and evil that the United States presented as a pretext for the invasion was simply a ruse for our insatiable imperialism. I am here to say, Je suis desole. A thousand times, je suis desole.”
Obama also offered specific regrets for:
the deafening noise of the invasion, which interrupted German lessons for French citizens up and down the Normandy coast;
the widespread urination by anxious American GIs in the French surf, upsetting the delicate pH balance of the water
the failure to secure the proper beach permits for the invasion


  1. Anonymous10:29:00 PM

    Is this a joke? Have I missed something by being out doors all weekend? Since Obama has been in office I have to question if I ever had a history class in school.

    This has got to be a joke.


  2. Anonymous6:32:00 AM

    yes, liberals do have a way to re-write history.
    This man is taking us down faster then the Titanic.

  3. Anonymous8:05:00 AM

    But did he really say these things? A permit for a beach invasion? Urinating in their water?

    Much of what Obama does is truly unbelievable to me but I do believe this takes the cake!

    I can't believe this. My heart just breaks for all those older veterans.


  4. Jmmb, I got that from a blog. while I really don't think obama said those last 3 quotes I can't find anything that qualifies or disqualifies the statements but I'd say it would be all over the right wing forums and news sites if he had.

    But here's the sad part and the reason I posted it as it is without saying he didn't really say the last 3 quotes.

    What's the sad part? The fact that we even have to wonder or question if he did really say that or not. That tells me that we wouldn't put it past him to actually utter those hateful words. We have been so accustom to those kind of statements from "the one" their "messiah" that it could very well be real.

    Says a lot I think.

    BTW: same reaction from people everywhere.
    "did he really say that?"

  5. Anonymous12:21:00 PM

    Well, I did wonder and I do wonder every time he opens his mouth.



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