Sunday, June 7, 2009

CHINCOTEAGUE; Pit bull attack concerns council

Seldom does the public comment period of the Town Council's monthly meeting take center stage. But on Monday night it did.

Accomack County Supervisor Wanda Thornton addressed the council about a vicious dog attack recently that left her great-granddaughter, Joy, suffering serious injuries and her family traumatized.
"I'm here on a serious note," said Thornton. "Last Saturday afternoon people and four dogs were trespassing on my property. A pit bull attacked my great-granddaughter as she was getting out of the car."
Thornton said the attack came so fast that there was no time to stop it.
"I think they would have killed her," said Thornton and the council members listened to every emotional word.
Fortunately there were a number of people in the vicinity of the attack and they responded by pulling the dog off the 6-year-old child.
"She was bleeding profusely," said Thornton. "She was in shock."
Thornton said the dog got the little girl on the ground and went for her face.
"She put her arm up to protect her face and the dog bit her arm," said Thornton.
Thornton said that on at least two other occasions the dog had attacked others in the neighborhood.
Thornton said she contacted Accomack County Animal Control, but it takes about 45 minutes for the agency to respond to calls from Chincoteague.
Thornton stated the dog has been destroyed and the remains sent to a lab to test for rabies.
Thornton requested the town look into constructing a "holding pen" to keep such animals until the county's animal control can get here to pick up the animal.
She praised the response of Chincoteague Policeman Kenny Reese. "Kenny Reese was wonderful," said Thornton.
The council expressed concern about the attack and pledged to discuss the matter at the next meeting.

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