Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WTH: For Today

Morgue Demands 'Bullet Fee' for Body HUH?

The family of a 19-year-old Iranian man killed during clashes between security forces and protesters in Tehran said morgue officials demanded they pay a $3,000 "bullet fee" before they were allowed to take his body, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The fee was assessed to pay for the bullet that killed Kaveh Alipour, relatives told the newspaper. But Alipour's father told officials that all of his property combined wouldn't even amount to $3,000. He argued his case and said that since he was also a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, the fee should be waived.

Morgue officials agreed, but demanded the family bury Alipour outside of Tehran. His body was eventually taken to Rasht, where the family has relatives.
Alipour was shot in the head on Saturday when he was returning from acting class -- apparently an innocent bystander during the protests in Iran's capital city. He was to be married later this month.

"He was a very polite, shy young man," a neighbor said.
Get more information on this story from The Wall Street Journal's Web site..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27:00 PM

    I suppose the father of this young man should be greatful that he even got a chance to dispute his case without being beheaded.

    I can find little compassion for those people except for the fact they were born there. It's just my opinion that these protesters know nothing about freedom as WE know it. They have only "tasted" it and the taste is wonderful. The have know idea how democracy works or the headaches it causes.

    It is a personal decision for any American to feel tons of sympathy for this country. I prefer to stop "giving" my democracy to others and keep it for myself.

    Or maybe I just don't get it.



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