Monday, August 31, 2009

Candlelight Dinners Declared to Be a Health Hazard

There isn't much our liberal rulers wouldn't take away from us in the name of our safety. Not even candlelight dinners are safe.

The American Chemical Society has announced that "emission products of petroleum-based candles in nonventilated enclosed areas" are potential health hazards. Proclaims Ruhullah Massoudi, a chemistry professor at South Carolina State University:

[L]ighting many paraffin candles every day for years or lighting them frequently in an un-ventilated bathroom around a tub, for example, may cause problems.

When the experts speak, the legislators are never far behind.

1 comment:

  1. More pork barrel spending! Of couse it can cause problems over an extended period of time! Tell me what is not good for your body over an extended period of time. And then tell me why money has to be spent on this dumb shi*.

    Just whose business is it anyway? Hey look butt holes of the American Chemical Society, it's difficult to burn candles in a well ventilated area. Duh.

    Just let me know when you intend to put restrictions on candle purchases. It's hurricane season here and I need to stock up.

    What gibberish!


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