Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Can You Fix This?

Traveling through downtown Pocomoke Sunday I couldn't help but notice this. Maybe most Pocomoke citizens don't pay any attention to this sort of thing. I don't know. It just seems that since this is right at the corner of your tourist attraction sites and right across from the newly renovated theatre you might try to avoid this type of thing.

Oh, I can remember a time when city hall would be on the owner of this building like white on rice for the simplest of things. What about now? It is a sight. A board is missing in this walkway. Adults probably wouldn't want to walk there but I would imagine a small child could get its foot caught in that hole. The weed growing there has been there all summer long.
The washer, I assume, is on city property but certainly is an eyesore for the citizens of Pocomoke and the tourists as well. My husband saw it sitting there Saturday morning and on Sunday afternoon it still sits. Why not put the discarded washer in the back of the buildings?
If this is part of Mr. Davis' job, he's slacking. And by the way, your flag is missing. I am assuming that it was taken down in anticipation of the storm the area was supposed to have over the weekend. I commend you on that. Today is Tuesday and I am hoping that it has been returned. It's the brightest spot of Pocomoke.


  1. I can't remember the last time I drove by there and there wasn't some kind of old appliance sitting on that concrete pad...or several

  2. Anonymous1:52:00 PM

    Visitors entering town via the drawbridge, welcome to beautiful downtown Pocomoke and the Discovery Center and the Marva and the Farmers Market and the One Room School House and our Flag and Cypress Park and our beartiful river and..... Oh yeah, don't miss our ABANDONED APPLIANCE GRAVEYARD, we don't weed it very often because it looks more authentic that way. Feel free to take pictures, Sheesh.
    Harvey, Russell, The mayor, councilmen, you all should be ashamed of this, and never send another tall grass or debri letter out.


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