Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,
In reading the news today I stumbled upon another action you have taken on "behalf of the American people".

The fact that you want to change September 11 from a day of remembering into a day of "do something" is quite sickening. What is it about America and the things that America hold dear that you so disapprove of? What's next? Will you try to change Memorial Day? Fourth of July?

Mr. President, the day of 9/11 took a toll not only on this country but on the many people that lost their loved ones. Since the bombing of the World Trade Center the people of America have done a wonderful job at keeping the memory of this horrible day alive. And it needs to be kept alive so that it never ever happens again.

You sir, seem to think Americans can just forget and go on. Some can and some can't and some just don't want to. Stop trying to change it. The day is as "productive " as we want it to be. It isn't always about what you want. September 11 will always be "the day of fear". Got that? Always. Forever. When Americans want to change it we will. And in case you didn't notice and don't read anything except what is written about you on that blackberry, Americans are doing positive things, one by one, little by little, to ease the pain.

Pain. That's the key word. Americans are moving slow on easing the pain of this horrible day! Were you under a rock at that time?

You need a National Day of Service on the anniversary of 9/11? That's unpatriotic and unforgiving. Gee, what happened to the other days of the year?

Here is just a sentence from an article I read concerning the changes you have made.

They think it needs to be taken back from the right," said the source. "They're taking that day and they're breaking it because it gives Republicans an advantage. To them, that day is a fearful day."

I am a republican. I will always be a republican. What I resent is the expression of "taking the day and breaking it because".......... Your move to twist this day into something else it should not be makes me sick and I am sure I am not alone.

September 11 is not about you and it isn't about any of your left-winged groups. And you go right ahead and forgive those people that harmed MY America. You and that so-called Rev. Yearwood and all of your hate America groups can celebrate your National Day of Service. But just remember one thing.................history has already been written. The history about this day is deep and it is detailed with many pictures to prove it. When it is read in history classes children will learn how horrible America and the world felt.

Believe me, Mr. President, when I say that when Americans want change we will let you know.


1 comment:

  1. that's a great letter.

    the sentence about the day being a "right wing day" is just crazy, and how do ya like this Mr hussein obama.. follow closely here ok, I know you're slow.

    Mr Prez. by you stating that sep. 11 is a "right wing day" is a racist statement, are you with me so far Mr prez.?

    You have a whole month mr prez. the month of February is yours and now you want 9/11 also?

    not only are you a racist mr prez but a selfish racist.. you know the old saying "give'm an inch and they'll take a mile"? yeah I bet your grammy has said that to you.

    how many days in a year are dedicated to liberals? a lot

    Now just because YOU see the day that took fathers, mothers, children, firemen, police officers and sooo many others from their loved ones by the likes of the people you pal around with and appoint to office not counting your czars, the white house is a terrorist haven now.

    So know, 9/11 is NOT a "right wing" day, the left caused and created it and then completed it. I reckon Pelosi must have planted that seed as she is a mean selfish old bat.

    so mr prez. if you want that day you can have it.. but rest assured we the people will hold you accountable for 'YOUR' day

    I would say have a good day but you'd probably want that too.

    go play with teddy


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