Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Organizing for America Recruits Snitches Castro-Style

I know we are headed in this direction faster than a frozen turd down a snot covered slide. I just wish the left would wake-up and open their eyes.. The libs that have the slightest bit of sense are coming around slowly and the center/moderates are voicing their disgust and the polls show it.

This transaction below will be part of our everyday lives in a year if these fruit-loops in the white house continue achieving their warped agenda.

A Moonbattery reader has become pen pals with Jeremy Bird, the skeevy Obamunist apparatchik who was profiled Monday for his astroturfing activities.

Not content to report her own thought crimes at Comrade Obama's snitch site, Heather M went undercover and volunteered to become an online brownshirt in the cause of healthcare nazification. Soon she received the following email from the DNC's Organizing for America:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Jeremy Bird*
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:43 AM
Subject: Reminder: Please report your contacts
Friend — Thank you for talking to your neighbors about health care. The conversations you are having are important in the debate about reforming our health care system. We noticed that you haven't reported what you learned while talking to your neighbors. There are only three days left before your list will be returned and given to someone else, and we want to ensure we receive the results of all of your hard work. To report back to us, just go to your Neighbor to Neighbor dashboard and click "Report Contacts." Then, just click on each person to let us know what they said. If you have any questions, you can reach us at 1-866-495-2004. Thank you for all of your hard work. Your help is essential if we are going to get real health care reform passed by the end of the year.
Thank you,
Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee — 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Unfortunately, Obama et al. get no points for creativity. Recruiting snitches to report on what their neighbors say in private conversations is a favorite technique of the communist regime repressing Cuba.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm going to email that to all the people I know that voted for Obama with the question"How do you like him now"? And then another question: Does this remind you of anything we learned in history class years ago?

    I just hope Americans awaken before America is destroyed right before our eyes.


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