Thursday, September 24, 2009

Threatening Email; OK, Here it is, The Post you all have been waiting for.

This is where I stand folks, this is what I get after exposing lie after lie.
It's pretty obvious that we at PPE have struck a nerve and this is only one example of what I deal with behind the scenes of an opinion blog.

Being the fact that you folks will not stand for embellishments, plagiarism, and a host of other implications and conspiracy theories that our good people and our fine City has recently been accused of, this is their only recourse of action. Intimidation. I can assure I WILL NOT be bullied into backing down when it comes to exposing the truth.

Below you will read an email that I received from the owner of the website 'Blinkoncrime" Shannon Stoy... her motive is to quiet us, more like silence us, but let me say that if that website embellishes as it has on numerous occasions we will not stand by and watch it happen.

The owner can threaten me all she wants and if they at had consistently uncovered the truth this would not be an issue. Yet this is no issue on my part, I WILL NOT, now, or ever stand idly by and watch anyone drag our VFD and/or LE through the mud.

Our LE has gone to every length they could muster up a resolve to this case, they have gone well above and beyond their duty, even listening on their phone to someone with a wee-jee board trying to direct the officer to a body.

If one cannot support that, well there's no hope for them. Read the email below, and discuss. Keep it respectful please!!

BTW: I want all our readers to know that I sent a return email and gave this person 24 hours to provide me with proof of their copyright to this email.

September 21, 2009
Pocomoke City, MD 21851


Dear Mr. XXXXX;
I am in receipt of some entries contained in your blog, “The Pocomoke Public Eye” that are alarming, harassing, and in some instances, blatant lies. It contains requests and threats for others to openly and with malice, embarrass, harass and contact my professional contacts as well as family members. At no time have I ever publicly placed my name, professional affiliations, or personal statistics on the web.
Your blog has a moderation feature available to you. If it is your choice to post repeated anonymous vitriol, the responsibility of that content rests solely with you at this level. This applies to posts, comments; any all content published by you, whether written by you personally or submitted by named or unnamed contributor. I have addressed the copyright infringements with a notification complaint in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act through the ISP of your “blog”, separately.
To say this is a gross invasion of my privacy and is causing severe distress and concern for me, my family, and in some cases professional colleagues, is an understatement.
I note that there are a few posts about defamation and the like; Let me assure you the following laws, including, but not limited to: cyber bullying, cyber stalking and harassment make no provision for defamatory or libelous acts when they are exacted in this manner.
The state of Maryland, where you are located, provides for statutes of cyber bullying and cyber stalking under Maryland Statute 555C.

Md. Criminal Law Code Ann. § 3-803. Harassment. Amended 2002.

(a) Prohibited. -- A person may not follow another in or about a public place or maliciously engage in a course of conduct that alarms or seriously annoys the other:

(1) with the intent to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;

(2) after receiving a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and

(3) without a legal purpose.

(b) Exception. -- This section does not apply to a peaceable activity intended to express a political view or provide information to others.

(c) Penalty. -- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or a fine not exceeding $ 500 or both.
Under NJ law, where I am located, this activity is clearly covered in harassment statutes, located here. It is distinct in that it is prosecutable whether the offense originates in this state, yours, or possibly the posters itself, as you can discern from the Stalking statues below.

New Jersey Stalking Law
1[1. N.J.S.2C:33-4 is amended to read as follows:
2C:33-4. Harassment.
Except as provided in subsections d. and e., a person commits a petty disorderly persons offense if, with purpose to harass another, he:
a. Makes, or causes to be made, a communication or communications anonymously or at extremely inconvenient hours, or in offensively coarse language, or any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm;
b. Subjects another to striking, kicking, shoving, or other offensive touching, or threatens to do so; or
c. Engages in any other course of alarming conduct or of repeatedly committed acts with purpose to alarm or seriously annoy such other person. A communication under subsection a. may be deemed to have been made either at the place where it originated or at the place where it was received. A communication under subsection a. includes but is not limited to a communication made by means of an electronic communication device. "Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone, computer, video recorder, fax machine, or pager.
d. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if in committing an offense under this section, he acted with a purpose to intimidate an individual or group of individuals because of race, color, religion, gender, handicap, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
e. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if, in committing an offense under this section, he was serving a term of imprisonment or was on parole or probation as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this State, any other state or the United States. (cf: P.L.1998, c.17, s.4)]1
11. N.J.S. 2C:1-14 is amended to read as follows:
2C:1-14. In this code, unless a different meaning plainly is required:
a. "Statute" includes the Constitution and a local law or ordinance of a political subdivision of the State;
b. "Act" or "action" means a bodily movement whether voluntary or involuntary;
c. "Omission" means a failure to act;

A copy of Blogger Terms of Service violations is here
Please consider this my good faith attempt to request you remove objectionable content immediately.

Shannon Stoy
Editor In Chief

Cc: Janet Fries, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
1500 K Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005 202.842.8800 (main) 202.842.8465 (fax)

George S. Kounoupis, Hahalis & Kounoupis
20 East Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Telephone: (610) 865-2608
Facsimile: (610) 691-8418

Sean Henady, 3 View Search Services
Mandy Albritton, 3 View Search Services

NOTE: If you have received a similar email and would like it posted please send it in, I will be glad to post it for discussion.

Blink; you've been blogged


  1. Anonymous1:18:00 AM

    just read this and I was shocked at the overall threatening tone , Shannon Stoy seems committed to causing drama and trouble wherever she goes . I am sorry that you have been subjected to all of this , I read your site and as far as I can see you always ask for people to be respectful , and mentioned that you would moderate if things became nasty etc . I think you are being attacked because you actually dared question the attacks on the LE and fire departments , originally Shannon tried to illicit some type of confession from JR Domo Levi etc and when that did not work the focus became the Mayor and then the fire Dept , and then the tin stripping and then attacking you and your site , now back to squeezing Domo Tia et al while Jr is in jail, I do not think they have anything new at all I do not blame them for trying to locate Christine Sheddy but how is attacking the fire dept and you help one iota , I think she has over promised and under delivered on this case, I am glad to see you are not afraid of her and her thinly disguised attempts to shut you up and down, I personally believe every bodies different point of view is good even if I do not agree with them , so I often find myself asking why do the Blink/tattler people (for want of a better description ) get so abusive if you disagree with them . Keep up the good work ,freedom of speech and all that .

  2. Anonymous1:35:00 AM

    You go Public Eye. Her threats are laughable.

  3. Anonymous1:39:00 AM

    I am glad Blink posted the names of her attorneys. If they do represent her, I think they might be interested in some of her activities as well.

    I will let you know tomorrow if they have any knowledge of Shannon.

  4. Anonymous1:49:00 AM

    I too am in receipt of one her nasty emails. It appears she was trying to send me a "message" by using my young son's abusive past at the hands of his birth mother as a means to intimidate me.

    The words pathetic, disgusting and dispicable come to mind. How dare she claim to be a child advocate. My husband has been considering turning it over to our attorney as well.

    Your email validates that she is well aware of the cyber stalking laws. Thank you for posting it.

  5. Anonymous2:05:00 AM

    1:49 that is really disturbing, what are you waiting for turn it over to your attorney , you may save yourself and other people this type of creepy behavior, how did she get your private info and e-mail , if you can answer that great if not I understand . How is this kind of stupid stunt helping her reputation or helping to find christine sheddy .

  6. Dear Public Eye,

    Welcome to the world of Blinkoncrime.

    I want you to know that I will give you any support I can if Blink is really ridiculous enough to carry out any threat. She won't. Even Shannon Stoy can stop the First Amendment.

    Shannon, you are considered a “public figure.” Ask your lawyer. Public figures are held to a much higher standard in libel and slander than a private citizen. You Shannon are no longer a private citizen.

    You have a public blog

    You have been on radio

    You have been published

    You are a PUBLIC FIGURE. Ask Your Lawyer.

    I have a couple of emails from her but they are only a few lines. Same topic though. I guess you rate special in that she opened up the law books for you and copied a few laws. Laws meant to help those whose lives have been turned upside down by stalkers and bullies on the Internet. Not for people like Blink to use to try intimidate people from posting their opinion of her.

    I know women who have been stalked and I bet they would be offended at Blink’s attempt to use this law for her own needs.

    It is funny because Blink has her resume on line if I am not mistaken. Guess what Blink that means you have put your “name” and other info on the web.

    This is laughable if it were not so annoying and truly offensive.

    To any organization who allows Blink to hitch herself to their company you could soon find out, in my opinion, what a liability she can become.

    Although The Public Eye does not represent my political beliefs (most of the time we are miles apart) The Public Eye is an honest, solid, well run, and very honorable site. The owner should be very proud.

    Tricia Griffith

  7. Anonymous2:34:00 AM

    1:49 You would be very shocked if I told you who I "assume" did it. However, I am unsure if this "person" realizes what Blink did with the information and I am not sure she would even care.

  8. Anonymous2:37:00 AM

    If I am not mistaken, Blink on Crime and the owner's identity was provided under the Florida Sunshine Laws.,0,6134889.story
    "The committee began to look into the matter after a self-described freelance journalist and author Shannon Stoy filed a complaint in February. She is president of Blink Development Group, LLC, in Pennington, N.J."....

    Does this mean, Blink is now going to sue the State of Florida Bar Review Committee, Orlando Sentinel and The State of Florida re: Sunshine Laws?

    Can I sue Blink for pain and suffering for when I have made the grave mistake and tried to decipher her writing? Blink, save your money on the attorney and get a refresher grammar course instead!

  9. Anonymous2:47:00 AM

    2:37 Maybe we could do a class action lawsuit for pain and suffering? lol

    Can you imagine how hard the FL Bar Review Committee laughed after trying to read her unintelligible complaint? They must have thought she was a real nut case.

  10. Anonymous7:03:00 AM


    Excellent post. You make several valid points, some I had not even considered. Thank you for your input. As always, it was very enlightening. It is obvious, your character is in tact.

  11. Anonymous8:11:00 AM

    PE, I am sorry that you are being harrassed by Blink. I am not sure how her threatening emails are helping to find Christine in any way shape or form. It surely would benefit her to stay focused on her main goal, finding Christine as she promised.

  12. Anonymous8:20:00 AM

    1:18 - Please point out what you see as an 'overall threatening tone'? I just don't see it. In fact the letter basically sums up this way:

    "Please consider this my good faith attempt to request you remove objectionable content immediately"

    PE you are probably overall a decent guy. I don't know who you are. I see you walking a fine line between your conscience and trying to appease these sudden new 'friends' of yours.

    I don't know what Blink did to hurt anybody's feelings - I don't go back that far in any of this. I will also send you an email and let you know what my posting name is if you give me your word that I won't be smeared all over this or any other blog site. I just wish you would examine your heart and be bigger than all of this. None of this is positive or healthy for anybody.

    And no, I do not agree with your politics either. I mostly post on political websites so I am firm in my 'lefty loon' beliefs. But I recognize that your heart is firmly planted on the right - and I give you kudos for taking the time to express your thoughts on political and social issues - that's what America is all about.

    I wish you wouldn't allow such a black cloud on what is otherwise a fairly well done blog. Better than a lot I see out there anyway. And that is sincere.

  13. Anonymous8:35:00 AM

    8:20 I can state for the record that PE's word is more than good but be warned that the Pocomoke Tattler makes false allegations against their posters.

    That said, Blink's email was an attempted "threat" to shut PE up and not speak the truth. That, in it self, is extremely offensive.

    After reading her email, I was left to ask the following questions: What is she afraid of? What is she trying to hide? Why is she threatened by the truth? Why does she think that she is the only one allowed to exercise her freedom of speech, although she does so in a very irresponsible manner.

  14. Anonymous8:36:00 AM

    None of the laws quoted by Blink are applicable. For instance, the harassment must take place in "a public place."
    Funny thing, the cyber laws she refers to are exactly what she is guilty of by sending EMAILS and not what is happening on this site.

  15. Anonymous8:38:00 AM

    8:20 If "sudden new friends" means joining together for the truth, then I welcome all my new friendships.

  16. Anonymous8:50:00 AM

    Really Blink? You want to talk about invasion of privacy? How low can you go to attack someone by using their child? I have seen your email and you absolutely disgust me.

    How dare you? Your true colors certainly showed through in your attempts to intimidate. Sadly for you, it didn't work. It only served to motivate us to show your true character or lack there of.

  17. Anonymous8:55:00 AM

    Shannon Stoy, making an ass out of herself, again.

  18. Anonymous8:59:00 AM

    PE, I bet there was no indication that the emails were Cc'ed to anyone. I hope you Cc'ed them to both of the law offices she mentions.

  19. Anonymous9:07:00 AM

    Stephanie's asking who is Lucas Cain on their site. She's playing dumb and spelled his name wrong in an attempt to be more convincing.
    She knows darn right well who lucas is. Their insane plot to embarras Mike is coming unraveled.

  20. Anonymous9:07:00 AM

    If Blink really had 2 different attorneys - why didn't one of them send you a letter?

    She should be embarrassed to call herslf a journalist. She really needs to take a grammar 101 class. Her writing style and form reads like a novice pretending to be a professional. Well...exactly what she is.

  21. This website did not start out as a trash and bash site. You can go back and view any of the post to see that. While there may be lots of political postings you will also find plenty of discussions on nice friendly things to do or just think about. PE and I have always tried to keep it that way.

    However, when Blinkoncrime was introduced we asked questions. This person that is investigating the murder of a young woman in Pocomoke started out as an investigator working with law enforcement. We questioned it. And we kept asking questions until it was finally told Blink is nothing but a journalist.

    Like PE, I will not sit back and watch the Pocomoke fire dept. or any Wo. Co. fire dept., law enforcement and the city of Pocomoke be exposed with such viciousness. We made that perfectly clear right from the start! And we will not change our minds!

    Quite frankly, with everything that has been exposed through all of this the one question I have is what is the real reason it has been told LE dropped the ball? Folks, I don't think they dropped the ball at all.

    I have read no direct threats to blink. Oh, there are alot of thruths and quite frankly if she and others had kept their noses clean and stayed the course of finding Christine instead of trying to cite out corruption, perhaps Christines case would be solved by now.

    There is something fishy about all of this but it's not here on the PPE.

  22. homegrown10:33:00 AM

    jmmb, I agree totally. We can stand a little constructive bashing from our own, but when someone from outside needlessly and recklessly bashes "our" town and its good people we will defend what's right, regardless what cause they profess. I see nothing wrong with that.

  23. Homegrown
    I do not mind the bashing either from people that know the town and its people. As you know the whole objection began when someone who is totally foreign to Pocomoke, and even the Eastern Shore, became envolved. They spurted some of the most vile and damageing BS that I have ever read in my whole life.

    NO I will not tolerate the dragging of the city and it's people through the mud. And when the bashing landed in the fire department I had had enough. This is not a true investigator as we finally found out. Anyone that stood up for anything being discussed was considered to be hiding something. Everything that blink has investigated has crumbled into a pile of rubble. The people that truly want justice, and truly want justice done the right way, have been trampled upon also.

    Blinks attitude became and still is the "how dare you question the great blink".......attitude. Well, I do question it and I will question anyone that does not seem to carry an ounce of common sense. And Bod bless the poor pitiful fools that believe the gossip and untruths that she has helped spread.

    If you want to talk about someone or something that's find but before you do make damn sure it's the truth!

    All her bashing and lies have led absolutely nowhere.............and they never will.

    I will stand behind that fire department today just as I have for many years. And I will stand behind the city of Pocomoke and those that protect and those that run it until someone besides Blink and Billy Burke can prove to me there is indeed something wrong!

  24. Anonymous11:13:00 AM

    so has the ppe uncovered proof absolute that
    none of you here left harrassing comments on blinks site that cant be tied to your ip address? i understand someone was leaving really detailed and violent comments about christine murder while her children watched. you can still read those comments.

  25. I don't remember scanning over any harrassing comments on blinks site comming from here. What I remember are people asking questions and getting accused of knowing somethng and not telling.

    As for the IP's that has been addressed.

    And as for leaving comments about what Christine's children saw, I have not seen those comments.

    My position is NOT with the case of Christine and bringing those people to justice it is with the way Pocomoke and all that goes with it has been portrayed.

  26. Anonymous11:58:00 AM

    What Blink needs to realize also is that she has engaged in the most extreme form of "cyber bullying" and "harassment". How do you think all of the "players" listed in the Christine Sheddy case feel? She has directly accused numerous people of MURDER and covering up MURDER without any proof. She can allude to anything she wants, but if she had the slightest shred of evidence she would be plastering it all over her site in order to boost her own ego and discredit LE in Pocomoke.
    The most realistic scenario is that Blink and Lynn are sued for "Cyber bullying" by Tia and Clarence.

  27. Anonymous12:08:00 PM

    11:58 add to the list, Domo, his wife and her grandmother, Tia's children and a host of others.

  28. Anonymous12:32:00 PM

    someone here asks a question - with no 'name calling' - and immediately gets called an idiot. who would do that? i don't understand how this can be called a legitimate blog if that is allowed to happen. you can disagree with the content of a question without calling names - thats what reasonable adults do

  29. The last few disgruntled comments comming from an "anon" source no doubt have been sent here from Blink to add fuel to her fire that this blog allows vindictive comments, etc..........everything that she says she does not allow nor do.

    In the attempt to help blink get to the truth alot of posters were kicked off her sight for asking questions. Questions she has no answers to and the only facts she has ever made known are the facts already discovered by the hard work of others.

    I don't mind critisism and I don't mind debate. But not by a person that trashes innocent people.

    We'll get to the bottom of all of this. There is no doubt.

  30. Anonymous12:37:00 PM

    Speaking of ip's, I'm still wondering if Billy checked out Chevygod's ip?
    You all remember the tipster that came on Billy's site.

  31. Anonymous12:44:00 PM

    12:32, too bad you are offended by the use of the words idiot. The fact is, I have no use for conniving sleazy people. To me they are idiots which by the way means an IQ of 25 or below.

  32. Anonymous12:44:00 PM

    I who have posted comments at 8:20 and 12:32 - haven't been sent here by anyone jmmb. If you're going to de-legitimize everyone who makes a comment you don't like or agree with by saying we were 'sent' here or whatever else then there is no debate is there?

    I have just wondered why the vitriol isn't taken down a notch and why calling people idiots by anonymous posters who obviously have only one agenda is allowed to stand on an otherwise previously harmless website - that's all.

    You people have a great life. Some of you have only darkness in your hearts and there are consequences for that. And they will affect you and those around you - not the ones you direct this ugliness at on the internet.

  33. Anonymous12:54:00 PM

    Ask yourself could Blink get personal info on people. Hmmmm? Could it be people who supported Lynn??

  34. Anonymous1:14:00 PM

    I received an email from Blink stating that Lynn asked her to tell me not to contact her again. I found that strange as I had not tried in sometime. Somehow, I thought Lynn could speak for herself. God only knows what BS Blink filled her head with, if in fact this is true.

    My intentions were to do something nice for Lynn and Steve. I worried that they were not taking care of themselves and their marriage. The death of a child can really test a marriage even the best of them.

    I really feel bad about how all of this has played out. I pray Christine is found and brought home to her family. (That was my only agenda.)

  35. Anonymous1:15:00 PM

    Blinkster and The Blinkster's are only "offended" by this site because they have been exposed and are embarrased. Not only are some embarrased, but some are a bit nervous I would think, about all the mind games that have been played, and are now coming to light.

  36. Anon 12:44
    I appreciate your concern for the darkness in all of our hearts. And I appreciate your suttle concern as to the effects it may have on those that surround up. Please be advised that I have no darkness in my heart. However, with some people, showing compassion does not seem to work. I have tried.

    While I do wish those that post here would indeed use a post name, they don't. With that factor I can only hope that one post under anon and another by anon do not get confused.

    I believe in the freedom of speech. I believe that every great American should have the right to say what they want. I do not believe in maliciousness or hurting people's feelings. Sometimes in life that has to be done in order to get to the case at hand.

    If you want answers to all the wonderment you have in your head allow me to suggest that you go all the way to the beginning of what is on hand right now and read to get a better understanding of what is here.

  37. Anonymous1:17:00 PM

    1:14 Oh geeze, is Blink now claiming she is the family spoke person? WTH?

  38. Anonymous1:19:00 PM

    Blink has gotten ALL of her information from Lynn. As a matter of fact, her entire investigation has been comprised of piecing together the story that Lynn has told her and what she has been able to find on the internet.
    And I do believe that Blinks followers refer to themselves as "Prayer Warriors". That makes it alright for them to dislike someone with a different opinion because it makes them "evil".

  39. Anonymous1:22:00 PM

    1:14, Lynn's head was filled with stuff long before blink entered the picture, as was Luke's and Billy and Stephanie Burke's.

  40. Anonymous1:25:00 PM

    12:44 I recognize your holier than thou attitude from Blinks , sight a Blink groupie who keeps spinning the propaganda , why is it o.k. for blink and groupies to smear and attack everybody and then claim " they are just trying to find christine sheddy " ask one hard question about christine sheddy and the banshees will go into hyper drive attack mode ,as far as I can see many innocent people have had their names bandied about , also somebody posted that sheddy had been murdered in front of her children is that a real fact , is it , because if it is who is the eye witness to that account, who gave that account of a murder being committed ,Blink started off with accounts of a mystery to be solved and it very quickly dissolved into attacks on innocent bystanders , in any event unless you did not know it is not mandatory to read or post here ! a lot of times bullies can dish it out but they can not take it , why doesn't blink just ignore this site and go about her investigations ?

  41. Anonymous1:34:00 PM

    Blink only has 45 comments on her BLOG and most are from her "team" and the family. Billy's site is dead. I think the message is becoming loud and clear. Blink is a pot stirrer with no crediblity. She is a fraud who likes to embellish own self importance. I look forward to the day we can all say Bye Bye Blink.

  42. Anonymous1:42:00 PM

    My message to Blink (who know is reading here, lol)

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave
    When first we practice to deceive."

    Shame on you Blink!

  43. I don't know where 12:44 came from and I don't care. Those of you have stayed to course with us know that had anything ever been posted about Christine and her children in the way that poster has there would have been quite an upset on here. The upset would have been to the point that it would have been deleated!!!!

    Now! Those readers that have been here know that we have done no bashing and accusing. We have only questioned what we know to be lies and what we know is unfair. PE and I appreciate that fact and all of you know it.

    I can't help who crawls out of the mud and takes time to post here. Obviously, someone trying to start trouble. I have an immense problem with the fact that blinkoncrime has turned all of this. with the help of her "trolls' and. yes. perhaps other. I do not believe the "stories" blink has written. I think them to be blown out of proportion, added to, and twisted to make the LE of Worcester County, and the city of Pocomoke, and all the fire departments in Wo. Co. look like seething demons.

    It is my belief that this wasn't done solely to find the murderers of a missing young woman and for the closure of the family. It was to create just exactly what it has. And it is up to us to continue to get to the bottom of all this smut.

    It isn't that we don't want the case of Christine to be solved. That's not it at all. We want closure for that family too. And I am very sorry for the people that have gotten their feelings hurt. But those of you that doubt our intentions go over and read blink Read it good. The more critical people become makes me wonder where the truth lies.

    We don't start those horrible comments because there is not a hateful bone in my body or PE's.

    And I can't help it if some of you newer readers don't understand the cause.

    Now, can we please get back to the program.

  44. Anonymous2:07:00 PM

    Is it me? But I can never decipher what Blink writes. I have to read at least 2 or 3 times before it makes any sense and most of the time I still don't fully understand it and just walk away just scratching my head.

    She really needs to be "schooled" on how to write. How did she ever get her own BLOG?

  45. Anonymous2:23:00 PM

    jmmb, I do repect your opinion. However, I struggle with my opinion of Lynn. Of course, I want Christine to be found and her killers brought to justice. That has never been the issue.

    I just can't understand how Lynn could still advocate for Blink. I don't understand how Lynn can sit back allow Blink to smear the good people of Pocomoke. I could go on and on but some things are better left unsaid.

    Personally, I don't think I could support her anymore. However, that does not mean I do not support finding Christine. Two entirely separate issues, imo.

    In this case, bad publicity is NOT better then NO publicity. She is starting to become a close 2nd to Cindy Anthony. Another tragic case that Blink inserted herself into and fell on her face.

  46. Anonymous2:43:00 PM

    2:23, No publicity is always best. Otherwise you have "turds" like Blink and Luke coming out of the woodwork trying to slip and slide their way to the inside.

  47. 2:23
    I am beginning to agree. Again nothing good has ever come from the mouth of blink or her posters. I see every day where they have taken something as simple as a newspaper report and twisted it to appear that blink has made the discovery. Then as the day progresses her "troll" get in there and disect every word. I have watche so many things twist and turn and twist again.

    I have seen assumptions being made, accusations that have no proof and the endless yaddle that comes from people that don't make sense,

    Then she sends a "troll" over here to snoop, harrass and belittle. I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt, that her heart is in the right place, but quite frankly all those people that oppose her can not all be lying.

    I question the motive of the whole bunch. It is my conclusion that they indeed like to argue. And it is a big damn shame that it has gotten out of hand.

    Blink has lost the focus of finding Christine by trying to unearth corruption...... Well, her attempts backfired because I don't believe anyone expected such resistance.

    And I am sorry to say that "for the sake of Christine and her children" has been shoved down my throat too often. Yea, I have compassion for all of that, I am just tired of all the BS that goes with it and having it crammed down my throat.

  48. Anonymous3:04:00 PM

    2:46 I couldn't agree more. Blink, a mean spirited, hateful, dishonest person was the last thing this family needed. This family needs professional (counseling) help to deal with their pain and anger.

    I implore Lynn to seek it for the sake of Christine's children, herself, her husband, Jennifer and her new baby. There is no shame in getting help. The only shame is letting your pride prevent you from seeking it.

  49. Anonymous3:23:00 PM

    I have noticed Blink has edited and deleted many posts. Is she capable of changing a post with one of our IP's on it? The answer is YES. I would put nothing past that "woman." However, she would still have to answer to why she allowed it to post and I believe there are many witnesses to attest to her lack of ethics and morals. Ok, so no worries. lol

  50. I am a "new friend". I feel the pain of this community being torn apart by an outsider spreading their personal views to try to unearth a big story.

    Why are there so many "new friends" here? Because in my opinion there are many that want what is being done and say by a blogger in order to gain fame be brought to light.

    If its any comfort you are not the first people to be torn apart by the insertions of an outsider.

    It is important, not just for your town for the truth to come out, but also for those who have been hurt in the past and most importantly for those that will be hurt in the future.

  51. Anonymous3:31:00 PM

    Maybe someone on here can answer this question. Why would Stephanie and Billy align themselves with the likes of Blink? Can't they see for themselves that Blink had lied repeatedly. She even lied about "position" with 3 view search services and was called out for it. Of course, she tried to turn it around with her "how is smearing me or my team helping to find to Christine" BS that she always pull. Don't they realize they are looking like fools even to "outsiders."

  52. Anonymous3:33:00 PM

    3:30 Great post. Thank you.

  53. Anonymous3:41:00 PM

    PE, I hope you sent wither via email or fax Blink's email to 3 View Search Services. I noticed she included them as part of her Cc. I am sure Sean and Mandy would be interested in this email.

  54. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    oh wow... if only you could ALL read this banter with objective eyes... how old are you people, jeez!

  55. Those kind of eyes don't work here anymore! WE ALL tried that in the beginnig. We also tried "benefit of the doubt", "reasoning"..........Didn't work....

  56. Anonymous4:08:00 PM

    3:50 Hi Marci, back so soon?

  57. dang... according to the blinkers I'm on parole... I reckon I need to go to the court-house to see why.

    good lawd!

    hang-on it's gonna go reeeeeal fasssst, heavy people to the outside please LOL

  58. Anonymous4:35:00 PM

    PE, now you have a good lawsuit! Find an attorney. Don't be laid back on this one. Please! lol

  59. 4:35

    I think it's down right funny... one good thing about that is, if they are talking about me (a nobody) they are leaving others alone. ;)

  60. Anonymous4:58:00 PM

    LOL Tom, love your spirit and attitude.

    I think Coalville may have smoked a little too much coal.

    Hmmmm..I do however recognize that writing. Nothing like posting with more the than one hat. Fools, the bunch of them.

  61. now I'm curious why I'm on "parole" ?

    nothing like being on "parole" and can't remember if I had fun getting there. Shoot! LOL

  62. Anonymous5:10:00 PM

    lmao....Blink must really losing it now.

    Let ask the infamous question...

    "how does smearing PPE and Tom help in the efforts to find Christine?"

    She is so transparent, it is laughable. Boy, I sure did need a good laugh. Thank you Blink and "Coalfool."

    BTW, I am still lmao!

  63. First of all I would have no reason to believe PE is on parole. Second, if he is it has been the best kept secret in Pocomoke! where everybody knows everybodies business. And third, if this was true that story would have come out of the wood work looooong before now.

    So, whoever posted that on blinks sight needs to come up with some proof. That's lame, real lame..........But it is common on there to just pick anything out of the air and write about it..

    But that's ok......Most people don't believe it anyway. Even the friends that PE has lost through all of this can say it is a lie, if they wanted to............

  64. Anonymous5:11:00 PM

    well, well, well

    speaking of the devil. lolol

  65. Anonymous5:15:00 PM

    gotta love "i am not a blink lover or follower" - Oh no, of course not. Your just some honorable citizen compelled to set the record straight. Puhhhleeze.

    These people need to get a freakin job. They have way too much time on their hands.

  66. Anonymous5:15:00 PM

    I didn't even know you were in prison PE? LOL
    Shannon is becomming more unglued by the day.

  67. Anonymous5:16:00 PM

    OMG, maybe Tom is really Joyce in disguise? lol

  68. Anonymous5:19:00 PM

    Mr. Tom Ayers was arrested for impeding the duty of a police officer when they came onto his property to remove two cars that he says he was working on . . .

    you can find the rest

  69. Anonymous5:21:00 PM

    roflmao - seriously! whoever is commenting and then posting a followup to their own comment thanking themselves for the comment - did you ever see the movie Sybil? hahaha OMG

  70. 5:19

    that's correct, I make no bones about fighting for what's right.

    if you search the tattler you can and will get the whole story.

    I'm not ashamed that I got arrested for trying to protect my personal property and the rights of others.

    But I have NEVER been on parole, nor did I even go to jail.

    I don't intend to try to explain the whole situation.. but you can call the PCPD and talk to officer Bromely and he will tell you it was all a misunderstanding in the end.

    I was doing my job, and the police were doing theirs, and BTW the PCPD did not let personal relations stand in their way of what they thought was the law... so kudos to them for doing their job even though they knew me well.

  71. Anonymous5:26:00 PM

    5:19 ohhhhhhh.
    so he went to prison and a parole board saw fit to release him on parole?
    I don't think so, IDIOT!

  72. Anonymous5:29:00 PM

    I now know the comment was made by Shannon to her own blog. Who else would think PBJ means the same thing as parole? Kind of like her not knowing what indictment means.

  73. Anonymous5:33:00 PM

    Lynn must have consulted Shannon on the meanings of interrogation and questioning.
    By the way, they both mean the same thing and can and are used interchangeably.

  74. anon 5:19
    You don't seem to be reading well. Key word is PAROLE.
    And since you know of the incident then you know the whole story. He also had the backing of alot of Pocomoke ciizens at the time.

    There still is no Parole in that case.......nor anywhere else. So let's drop it. We all agree on how that originated.

  75. Anonymous5:36:00 PM

    I take it Shannon was not pleased with you for posting her email. What a coincidence this new revelation about PE came out at the same time.

    Yep, she sure has gone off the deep end. I didn't think she could any further. lol

  76. Anonymous5:43:00 PM

    OMG, Tom posted the link to his "arrest" on another site. Great sleuthing by Blink. She sure is good. hahaha

    But what about Christine???

  77. Anonymous5:43:00 PM

    Shannon, Maybe will get PBJ for impersonating an investigator?

  78. no worries folks...

    I'm proud of what happened that day, very proud.

    The more they speak of it the more I'm glad that others will look into it, and see how that unconstitutional "common law" that was brought to the US from the old world and will be scrutinized when people realize that their property is not really theirs.

  79. Anonymous5:49:00 PM

    How dare Lynn and her family condone this. It just sickens me how evil they all can be.

    Really, enough is enough. This family asked for help from the good people of Pocomoke and this is the thanks they get.

    Lynn, these people did not murder your daughter. Get your head straight before you destroy everything you touch.

  80. Anonymous5:52:00 PM

    No Tom, they will not smear you for doing the right thing.

    Billy and/or Stephanie had better stand up to her on this one.

  81. Anonymous5:57:00 PM

    I would seriously consider that this information was sent to Blink by Billy and / or Stephanie. They are completely obsessed with McDermott and Blake and will burn anyone who they see as a threat to their agenda....just like Christine's family.

  82. Anonymous6:05:00 PM

    I don't think Blink or Lynn have any idea how many people are going to turn on this family now. I could see the division before however that line has been erased now. I am sorry Tom you have become their next victim.

  83. 5:57

    that info is easy to find if one searches for it...

    I posted about that everywhere..

    I WANTED it out there and now they "think" they are dragging me threw the mudd, but, they are doing me a big favor by resurrecting it.

    The specific "common law" that I was charged with IS unconstitutional and needs the attention.


  84. The one thing that comes to my mind quite often is a comment made a few weeks on blinks site that said: "come on national tv. Look at all these juicy charecters".

    You figure it out.

  85. Anonymous6:17:00 PM

    Oh sure Tom, we all know you are on parole under home arrest enjoying the good life. LOL

    Just be thankful you are not married to that nutcase. I understand the 3 to 4 husbands now. Jeeze.

  86. oh... I need to correct one thing.

    I was never convicted of anything.

  87. 6:17

    yeah.. house arrest..LOL

    with that the queen "B" best hope my wife does not read this or she may well have grounds to file charges.. that is if the judge may only hear one side of the story.. the wife's...

    LOL J/K of course

  88. something else dang it..

    you'd think they could spell my name right ...

    it's Ayres.... it's only a 5 letter word and they can't get that straight...

    lemme do it slow for them.


    there, is that better?

  89. Anonymous6:30:00 PM

    LOL PE, I am glad you are so laid back and find it funny. That has to be driving her crazy. Oh wait, she already is. haha

    I can just picture her slamming things around her house and screaming at one her so called friends. (And the friend taking it). I hope she doesn't have a pet.

  90. Anonymous6:34:00 PM

    They actually spelled you name wrong? What a bunch of idiots, I mean great "investigators." lol

    Oh and I was on WS when Blink was there. We all hated her and was glad when was banned.

  91. Anonymous6:43:00 PM

    Where all Shannon's so called big shot friends? Where is the media?

    IMO, Domo was not even at the farm the night of the party. That is how off base she is.

  92. Anonymous6:46:00 PM

    Lynn is just as much of a nut as Shannon. Bird/Feather and all that.

  93. Anonymous6:47:00 PM

    PE, Ayres is a common name in Worcester County, but are you any relation to Guy Ayres? From Ayres, Gordy, Jenkins, Almand and so on and so on.

  94. Anonymous6:49:00 PM

    Wait....hold's coming to me, quick, my magic stick and crystal ball tell me that the national news media is coming!!!! I'm gonna be a star now!

  95. Anonymous6:49:00 PM

    6:43, I'd be surprised to find out Christine was also.............

  96. Anonymous6:50:00 PM

    I heard that when he gets out of the pokey, JR, Tia and Domo are moving to Pennington, New Jersey.

  97. Anonymous6:53:00 PM

    On Washington Crossing Rd., 6:50.

  98. Anonymous6:54:00 PM

    6:50 Lmaooooooo!!

  99. Anonymous6:55:00 PM

    I'm floored! Lynn and Jennifer are actually taking up for WCBI on Billy's site! That's a first. I wonder what's up with that turn of events.

  100. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    Shannon the great detective should know by now that Domo goes by Nicky. Haven't seen that one on her blog as they try to intimidate him with stuid threats.

  101. Anonymous6:59:00 PM

    Maybe when they get up to Jersey, Billy Goat can give Blink some surveillance tips so she can "get the goods" on JR and Domo.

  102. Anonymous7:00:00 PM

    She could even rent them a room and do the old "hole in the wall" trick.

  103. Anonymous7:01:00 PM

    Shannon's full of hot air, 6:56. If she were such a great investigator she would have also know alot of other stuff other than what Lynn has told her.

  104. Speaking of outing someone, take a trip over to visit the monkeys. Look up Sandra Cantu. Notice how people where encouraged to investigate everyone in Melissa's family. Looking for what? Maybe a cult? Some conspiracy throughout the generations.

    It went nowhere. You could tell many people put in a lot of time chasing after what was being hinted at. Because it went no where, the faithful were dropped never to be spoken to again. Off to something new.

    Looking into my crystal ball. Could it happen again, left in the dust?

  105. Anonymous7:10:00 PM

    The only reason that Lynn and Jennifer would be saying anything nice about the cops is because they are realizing that Blink is a fraud and they are losing in danger of losing their platform to bash McDermott and Worcester LE.

  106. Anonymous7:12:00 PM

    Well....I'm surprised that Blink hasn't suggested that everyone in Pocomoke is part of a cult or really alien invaders...too much late night TV for her. Oops, I think I just gave her an idea for her next "chapter"....

  107. Anonymous7:14:00 PM

    "Breaking News: A Blink on Crime Exclusive"

    In an exclusive interview, 3VSS has obtained photographs of what we believe to be Pocomoke City residents feeding on human brains..."BRAINS...."

  108. Anonymous7:18:00 PM

    the monkeys are a joke too, they are the ones who promote blink and hold her in such high esteem. nuff said.

    i smell money exchanging hands there.

  109. Anonymous7:21:00 PM

    I didn't see anything on the Tattler. Did anyone else?

  110. 6:47

    they could be distant relatives.. but us poor ones spell our name differently than the rich ones.

  111. Anonymous7:39:00 PM

    JD aka Jennifer is thanking Coalville. Jeeze, isn't that telling.

    How can a young mother with a 4 month old baby who needs to see a cardiologist just be full of hate and spite. Nevermind, I get know the answer to my own question and has nothing to do with Christine.

  112. I have a dang ear worm that wont go away...

    from the Wizzard Of Oz.

    Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead.

  113. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    arleen lmao lmao did you just post a couple of death threats ie someone in the future getting hurt and ledft in the dust? rlmao!

  114. Anonymous8:18:00 PM

    Public Eye, sir...........the BBrrrrooooommmmmmmm!!!

  115. 8:18

    the only person I know with a Brooooom is a good witch.. ;)

  116. Beep! Beep!

  117. Anonymous9:17:00 PM

    pe lmao...a dead witch is a good witch..lmaooooo hey good thing bird featers is waaaay to stupid to know who you are talking about or the joke would be on you lmaoooooo

  118. 9:17

    ok? ya really lost me on that one.

    what did I miss? or am I just dense? don't answer that last question... ;)

  119. Anonymous9:38:00 PM

    9:17 - I'm pretty sure you answered your own question. Just sayin' . . .

  120. 8:12 PM
    Don't know where you get a death threat out of the statement "left in the dust", which is used in the south all the time to simply mean left behind.

    I get the feeling that this might be someone trying to make something out of nothing. To maybe point to this site and say, see they are threatening me.

    If I am wrong about your post, sorry, but it was an odd comment and logically made no sense. Making no sense just reminded me of someone.

    Brooms are made for cleaning, maybe someone send one as a gift so someone could use it to clean their house.

  121. Anonymous9:56:00 PM

    pe dense? shucks no lmaooooooo just like to speak backwards thats pocomoke right? bird feathers is a dead witch thata good. when two pocomokians are talking and one says gee thats pretty the other knows he saw something ugly right? so bird feathers the dead witch she is stupid right? lmaooo

  122. Anonymous10:19:00 PM

    well rom ayres iwell tom ayres i hope you have a good defense attorney on retainer may i suggest jr's? kwim?

  123. well rom ayres iwell tom ayres i hope you have a good defense attorney on retainer may i suggest jr's? kwim?

    10:19 PM

    um? could you repeat that please?

    preferably when you're sober.

  124. Anonymous10:27:00 PM

    do i stutter? get a defense attorney! snip snip copy and paste

  125. Huh? PE, did I miss something? What the heck do you need an attorney for if you haven't done anything?

  126. 10:27

    I...I...I...don't kkkkkknow... ddddo ya?

  127. Anonymous10:48:00 PM

    Oh boy, looks like the Blinkster is hitting the bottle. Maybe the Scared Monkeys are getting together for some jello shooters and blogging on a Friday night.

  128. Anonymous10:57:00 PM

    guess what? i am not blink. want to guess what i do for a living? you post it or allow it to be posted? get glsses! we know who bird feathers the dead which is.

  129. guess what? i am not blink. want to guess what i do for a living? you post it or allow it to be posted? get glsses! we know who bird feathers the dead which is.

    10:57 PM

    please, please go sleep it off and debate this when you sober up.

  130. I want to know what they are drinking cuss it sure didn't take long to kick-in

  131. Anonymous11:09:00 PM

    i never ever drink on the job. i protect and serve' see ya soooon! snip

  132. Anonymous said...

    i never ever drink on the job. i protect and serve' see ya soooon! snip

    11:09 PM

    ok, sounds like a threat to me...

    I'm here.. would you like an appointment or will this be walk in?

  133. Anonymous11:25:00 PM

    an appt? a walk in? shucks no' we are waiting on your goons to arrive!

  134. Wonder what is going to happen when the goons arrive?

  135. Anonymous11:36:00 PM

    Right now as we speak, psychics are directing the man with the stick and the prayer warriors through town, searching for the evil people of Pocomoke. And when you are found, you shall be smote with the stick of retribution.

  136. Anonymous11:37:00 PM

    Oh...and they are gazing into the magical crystal 40 oz. which allows them to see all....

  137. Anonymous11:37:00 PM

    somebody has had a few too many.

    "snip, snip" wth??

  138. Anonymous11:40:00 PM

    Hey anyone out here know what "kwim" means? 10:19's comment is hysterical.

  139. oh lawd... ya gotta love it...

    I have the power of poof but it's too good to delete.

  140. I am cracking up and I don't know why.

    "We know who bird feathers the dead which is."

    Just what I needed to take the stress out of my brain. Something that makes no sense but makes me laugh anyway.

  141. Anonymous11:54:00 PM

    That post screams "No Child Left Behind".

  142. Anonymous11:55:00 PM

    Tricia, do you know what "kwim" means? I'm cracking up also. Blink's gone off the deep end.

  143. Anonymous12:05:00 AM

    how pathetic that you have to take all this abuse and cryptic threatening because you dared to stick up for your town and fire department , so I assume from all this smoke and mirrors they have no news on christine sheddy , This is not helping the investigation and not only are people fed up of blink they are becoming fed of christine sheddy's family allowing this to go on , I believe they are so full of hate and rage over her disappearance that they are glad to see other people suffer , I am sure you will not approve of that statement , but I do not live in your state do not know any of you and started to read this on Blink,and I have come to believe that there are a lot of hard questions that need to be asked about this case , LE should do that and any legitimate outside help could only help , all I see is somebody running a muck with the whole thing , and again and again I ask why does Blink and crew attack any body that has a question about christine sheddy or a different opinion on what happened to her .

  144. Anonymous12:14:00 AM

    I cant believe Lynn is still supporting Blink. Actually, I can. That woman is totally nuts too.

    Now I understand why Christine wanted out so bad. The devil unknown seemed like a better choice than the devil known.

    Publice Eye, I know you will not like this post but just because her daughter is missing doesnt make her off limits with the way she behaves, jmo. ie Cindy Anthony is another nut that is not off limits.

  145. Anonymous12:15:00 AM

    to the person who wrote is it me or does any body else not understand B link's writing , I have to read it 2 or 3 times ............. then you must be a genius because I read and re -read and I am no wiser . and before Blink and her banshees comment on how stupid I am or inbred or red neck hillbillie or whatever , remember you all said it is not nice to name call and that you all were on the higher road ,so take you own advice and be nice ,also it is not my fault if B. can't put her written thought together in a pleasing coherent way

  146. Anonymous12:17:00 AM

    I still cannot understand why Blink would expect LE to provide details of this case to her. In a case like this, there are certain details that only someone involved would know. If Blink or Lynn had this information, it would be twisted all over the internet and compromise the investigation. People should not think that just because LE is talking to Blink, they are not doing anything. Lynn has put out so much misinformation and outright lies in an effort to discredit the LE investigators. Lynn also wants to keep the focus off of her and the real reason that Christine left her house and why she never came to get Christine despite her supposed pleas for help.
    Misdirected anger, and refusal to take responsibility for her actions. Heck, she goes on about how evil Levi is, yet allowed her daughter to live with him and have two children with him. Lynn enabled her to act the way she did and created and raised her to be the way she is.

  147. Anonymous12:18:00 AM

    kwim - know what i mean???

    Blink must be hittin it hard tonight. She is waste of air.

  148. From my view. Alot of us took the stand that it was not fair for someone that has turned out to be a journalist to run the city through the mud at this time in the effort to prove corruption in that town. Also we felt that it served NO purpose to drag the city fire department through the mud. The sole purpose should be for the sake of a missing woman.

    But because some could not wait for the law enforcement to do it's job and because they saw a chance to lump corruption into it all lots of posters got banned from blinks sight. And upon blinks demanding information that she should have been able to obtain herself alot of people became accused as being part of the so called corruption.

    The hate that you see generated, I assure you, came from the site of blink. Not here. We took a stand to fight against all the horrible things that have been said. It has nothing to do with being against the solving the murder of Christine.

    No one is saying there is no corruption in the city. We just say now is not the time if there should be and blink, who is but a journalist, is NOT the person for that job.

  149. Anonymous12:20:00 AM

    Does anybody here think Lynn may have a drinking problem? I see "dry drunk" all over posts. God help those 3 poor children.

  150. Anonymous12:20:00 AM

    Public Eye I do admire your attitude you have been very sick and even after the attacks and threats you still seem calm and even have a sense of humor , I see you have lots of different stories about a whole range of things ,I like the way you do not let the bullies get to you , hope you feel better soon and I support you !

  151. Anonymous12:24:00 AM least drink if not other substances.

  152. Anonymous12:25:00 AM

    Absolutely JMMB, I agree, the hate generated from Blink and her site. I came into this as a supporter to Blink and Chritine's family but not after reading Blink and the family's hate fill posts. They all deserve eachother. I feel bad that I have taken on this attitude. I kept trying to give them a break but they just made it impossible and it is only getting worse.

  153. Anonymous12:27:00 AM

    So why do you think Chistine took the boy's and left her mother's house?

  154. Anonymous12:32:00 AM

    Do ya think Christine's kids get any positive attention at all? Geez, what a angry house that must be. Both i4ni and christinesmom are always on the computer fighting with someone, somewhere.

    Those kids don't belong at that house. I don't think Joyce or Levi are the answer but Lynn is definately not either.

  155. Lots of people tried to post there in the attempt to find out why they were saying what they were and why they were accusing so many innocent people. In the outcome of all that lots of people got banned from there and accused of using two or more screen names, etc.

    Christine and her mom had a little tiff, like all moms and daughters do. Christine had made plans to leave the farm though but just never made it.

  156. Anonymous12:35:00 AM

    12:17 I couldn't agree more.

    I think Levi was dumping christine and the family doesn't want that to "out" there.

  157. Anonymous12:38:00 AM

    12;17 those are two questions that I would like an answer to , can anyone tell me why christine went to live with those people and take two of her children with her , they seem like really bad people, so why would she endanger herself and the children , also I read she called the mother and said she was frightened and wanted to leave and so why did not somebody go get her that very night,is this info correct I read it at B's , I have asked myself this over and over ,it is just bugging me why did she go and why didn't they call the cops or something to get her out of there, I am hesitant to post this as I am sure this will construed as an attack , I apologize up front if it offends any body .

  158. 12:38

    those are valid questions,

    but I do ask that the children not be brought into this please.

    I'm sure they have a good home and if not the CWS would step in... that's not for us to judge.


  159. G'nite folks

    comments will be moderated through the evening because a lot of snakes-in-the-grass try to leave nasty stuff when they think no one is one.

    see ya tomorrow

  160. Anonymous12:58:00 AM

    Ok PE, I will repsect your request. However I think you are very wrong about their home life.

  161. Anonymous1:00:00 AM

    Good night Public Eye, arent ya waiting up for your visitors? lol

  162. Anonymous1:17:00 AM

    Hi PE this is 12:38 ,did I read your post correctly , you said do not bring the kids into this etc , i do not think I did other than to ask why they were at the farm house , sorry for the confusion !

  163. Anonymous1:37:00 AM

    Hello. So, I don't know the situation, but upon reading this Shannon person's email, I'm not sure why everyone is bashing her. First of all, she writes very well. I think this letter sounds very classy and intelligent. If only I could write so well! I didn't see anything too threatening about it. All she did was list some laws. That isn't necessarily a threat. If you felt you had to post it (obviously so you could try to get people "on your side" maybe you have a guilty conscience? I think this is the first time I've ever posted on a blog so it is unusual for me to say anything at all, but I thought it seemed kinda... how do I put this? Messed up? That someone would take an email that was sent to them, which was written in a classy manner I might add, and post it for the world to see. What I do respect about this woman, is that she contacted you directly and in private. Again, I don't know the whole situation, so maybe you have been just as courteous to her, but I think the best way to come out on top is to not be the bully. Just my thoughts.

  164. Anonymous1:48:00 AM

    roflmao Go look at that post about Public Eye and Tricia by "Coalville."

    "Coalville" is Shannon. I have never seen anybody say "O" instead of "Oh" except for Blink.

    Here is one of her comments from her site.

    "O but they did, several, and the pictures were removed. We are working on our update to this piece as we speak. But you are correct that there are calls with asisstance from other Fire Departments.

    Shannon is so stupid, she outed herself by her stupid use of "O" on her unitelligible commnents. What a FRAUD! That explains why Lynn and Jennifer jumped in and thanked that "poster." Geeze!

  165. Anonymous4:50:00 AM

    JMMB and anyone calling BLINK a journalist - sorry, but you are wrong! She is a story teller at best. Even that is a stretch as at the end of a story, you are supposed to get the meaning of the story and with Blink that rarely happens.
    Her writing is horrible and I am trying to be nice.

    Supporting documentation: Journalism has codes of ethics... none which are found in her stories.....

    "While various existing codes have some differences, most share common elements including the principles of — truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability — as these apply to the acquisition of newsworthy information and its subsequent dissemination to the public."

    Wait, have to put this here too - from above link as well....
    "Like many broader ethical systems, journalism ethics include the principle of "limitation of harm." This often involves the withholding of certain details from reports such as the names of minor children, crime victims' names or information not materially related to particular news reports release of which might, for example, harm someone's reputation."

    I also saw a letter Blink sent a person using personal family information as a threat to tell the person to shut up. The person's crime - asking a question she didn't want asked. Tisk, tisk.

  166. marcy knapp11:18:00 AM

    to anonymous
    I am the paternal grandmother of jennifers infant son. How dare you say such hateful things about something so serious. You have an awful lot to say for someone that doesn't know a thing. As far as your comments about Lynn, you are so off base. She,her husband and extended family are providing a loving home for Christines children. They are the most loving children I have ever met. They couldn't ask for a better situation other than to be with their mother which is what this is all about "remember"? It seems to me that you people, especially you, have nothing better to do than to sit on your computer and bash a family in pain. Please don't be giving advice until you walk in their shoes. God willing you never will. I could go on but I think you get my drift. Please leave my family, this includes Lynn and the children out of this trash talk and do someting productive like maybe some charity work to keep your evil minds occupied. In my life, I have never seen such dispicable hurtful things being said about a family in so much pain. Like I said before, you people have no idea what it's like to being going through the nightmare this family is going through. I can just assume you would be doing the same thing, otherwise what kind of a parent would you actually be?

  167. 1:37 a.m. You have every right to your opinion. Whatever PE posted it as being is exactly what it is. Sorry if you do not agree. Quite frankly, if you are so impressed with the writings of blink than I suggest you go back and read more. Then comfort yourself, some how, in the fact that we hate no one and that hate did not generate here at this blog site.

    There is a huge difference of opinion. Why don't you sign up to post on blink and ask them?

  168. Anonymous1:00:00 PM

    Dear Mrs Knapp,

    I wish you knew some of the things your daughter and Blink have done and then maybe you would understand. It is obvious that you know don't know "everything."

    Your daughter is NOT the first mother to lose a child and be in pain but she is one of the few victims I have seen engage in such activities. Take your blinkers off and see it for what it really is.

    Your time would be better well spent engouraging your daughter to seek professional help then writing about things you obviously know nothing about.

    Thank you

  169. Anonymous1:07:00 PM

    1:48 i agree. coalville was definitely blink. the sentence structures are the same, the incorrect use of punctuation is identical, etc and the 'o' was dead on. blink is such a joke.

  170. Anonymous1:36:00 PM

    This is priceless 1:48

    "unitelligible commnents"

    what are unitellible commnents?

    just too funny. let us know where you got your Phd in English from, ok?

  171. Anonymous1:45:00 PM

    1:36 I was "schooled" by Blink. Try as I might, I digress, isn't unitellible a word? O Please don't tell me that Blink was not being truthful? My world would come crashing down around me.

  172. Anonymous1:54:00 PM

    Looks like 1:48 hit a nerve.

    1:36 Do you mind sharing who the "us" would be? Can't any of you think for yourselves or stand up alone? Why doo you find it necessary to travel in packs? Oh damn, now I am having pity for you. Oh wait, I am over it. I am back to disgust, thank goodness.

  173. Anonymous2:12:00 PM

    no its not Blink even tho you're all just hoping she would waste time here as i have

    and no - you're still unable to spell unintelligible even tho your entire post was bashing someone for the same thing

    wow how lame are you? gotta run - its a beautiful day here on the Texas coast - and yes I love my Mac! someone here will know what I'm talkin' about


  174. Anonymous2:19:00 PM

    So let me get this straight!!! Blink can write what ever she wants about whom ever she wants. She can lie, twist and distort facts, but we are the bad ones??

    I wonder what it is like living in Blink's (and her 7 followers) delusional world?

  175. Anonymous2:26:00 PM

    O Barbie - you are too smart for me. Yes Barbie, you too have been trashed by Blink. How does it feel?

  176. Anonymous2:28:00 PM

    lmao - little miss texas is so stupid she can't even read a joke when she see's one. She needs to just stay with Blink. They are a match made in heaven.

  177. Anonymous2:34:00 PM

    2:12 You must have a blast picking Blink's posts apart. Has she learn how to spell alright and definitely yet? Your time would more useful helping Blink sound intelligent. Yet, I doubt there is enough time in a day to achieve such an enormous goal.

    2:28 I think you meant Hell!

  178. anon 2:19P.M.
    That just about sums it up!

    And another thing:
    Let's just to act like grownups and stop using the "oh,yea" method. If you want to bicker back and forth as to what blink does or doesn't do take it somewhere else. You people know to whom I am speaking.

  179. Anonymous2:54:00 PM

    i4ni - with all due respect. You might want to google Luke Phillips and Caylee together. He made a sheriff's report claiming he was a psychic. However, he was way off.

    'Sheriff’s deputies received a call from a person names Luke Phillips in Aug. 2008 reporting that two armed men were holding Caylee Marie. George Anthony was alerted of the report and he told investigators the family had hired a private investigator.'

    Please look more into Luke Phillips before you correct someone on the tattler.

  180. Anonymous2:59:00 PM

    Please go to this link to read more about Luke's and his relationship with christinesmom.

    Just c/p in your address bar. TY

  181. Anonymous3:04:00 PM

    Another lie exposed. Blink said she did not work with psychics. And this article specifically claims that WCBI is involved.

    "Suzanne Vincent and Jean Mckenzie Vincent were contacted by Christine Sheddy's aunt Karen, who requested a reading for Lynn Dodenhoff, Christine Sheddy's mother. Christine Sheddy went missing from Pocomoke City, Maryland under suspicious circumstances in November 2007. Lynn was so intrigued by the precise and accurate details that came through during her psychic reading that she had us give our psychic impressions to her numerous times and she put us in contact with the detectives working on the Christine Sheddy case. Throughout the following eighteen months we have provided invaluable clues to the whereabouts to Christine's final resting place and any potential suspects. We have been working with the Worcester County Maryland Bureau of Investigation and have led them to items of great importance in Christine Sheddy's disappearance on the property and surrounding areas which have since been sent off to the Maryland crime lab."

  182. Anonymous3:19:00 PM

    WOW, now he is taking credit for finding Caylee? Here is another one of his "visions" that proved to be false. Page 8

  183. Anonymous3:23:00 PM

    I feel bad for Lynn that she is believing Blink over Tricia. Tricia has far more resources than Blink could make up. Why didn't Lynn stay out of it? Why did she want to try and burn that bridge? I just don't understand her at all. I would accept help from ANYONE!!

  184. Anonymous3:24:00 PM

    3:04 It is obvious that Lynn did not follow the Caylee case very closely.

  185. Anonymous5:25:00 PM

    I am not surprised one bit at the post by Marcy Knapp. Once again, "birds of a feather, flock together". And no, I don't think that behaving the way that Lynn and Company are is the "proper" way. I am sorry that you think it is Mrs. Knapp. I also hope that you are taking notice of how evil and heartless your in-laws can be.
    Here's another question...why is Lynn so set on her daughter being dead? If your child were missing, wouldn't you want to hold on to all hope that she is alive? Is there an insurance policy that we are not aware of????

  186. Ok posters. Let's use a little consideration and respect for Mrs. Knapp please. Those kind of questions and statements are no ones business and are hurtful.

    Please be cosiderate before you type a comment. Thanks

  187. Anonymous8:19:00 PM

    I know we should take the high road but "they" all make it so difficult but we will keep trying.:)

  188. Anonymous8:47:00 PM

    Just got caught up. And OMG!

    Why can't Christine's family see what is going on? Blink has lied and lied, attacked and attacked. She has only like 50 comments on her site. No one is posting on the Tat about Christine. No one is posting at Scared Monkeys either.

    They are losing supporters by the minute. My goodness, none of the suspected killers are even bothering to defend themselves any more.

    I still pray daily that Christine is found and brought home to her family but I don't know why they would put so much faith in people like Shannon Stoy or Luke Phillips.

  189. The other sights don't usually have alot of postings on the weekend. And come to think of it there seem to be a few more today on here...........for some reason.

    Anon 3:04 I don't buy for a second that those psychics have been working (or have) with the WCBI and providing them with invaluable clues. That's pure nonsense that any law enforcement agency would drag a psychic off the internet. Try convincing someone else.

  190. Anonymous9:21:00 PM

    Yes, some LE agencies have worked with psychics. However, I doubt this is the case with Phillips.

  191. Anonymous9:28:00 PM

    9:21, I think it's more like the psychics would like everyone to think they work with LE.
    They say stuff like, you'll find the body in a wooded area. Well no kidding, no one is going to drop a body off in the middle of a busy street.

  192. Oh, I agree that some LE agencies do. I don't think they would go on the internet and find one and I don't think that psychic would be writing about it on the internet. I don't think in this case with Phillips either. My goodness there had already been other searches. I wonder what a psychic could have seen relating to invaluable clues. I don't think WCBI is that inept that they would need a psychic.

  193. Anonymous9:34:00 PM

    Apparently Lynn is big on the psychics. I think that's how she got hooked up with Shannon.

  194. thetruthwillprevail2:09:00 AM

    maybe if you lost a daughter you grasp at anything to give you hope of finding her. yes wcbi talked to the psychics because they were a just as much of a loss. how can you be so cruel to judge a family the way that you do. i have read the other sites and it is this site that promotes the hate and this site only. blink has posted findings that are circumstantial evidence. why weren't all of those fires reported, and why wasn't jr arrested? why? the other sites aren't even talking about you and you are so moronic that you are imagining they are, just to have something to talk about.

  195. Anonymous11:53:00 AM

    2:09 Your attempts are so obvious. Shannon aka Blinkster just made a big lie about Tom. We all know who Tom is. And we all know who Shannon is too.

    I think Shannon's last post just hurt her lawsuit against Tom. hahaha

  196. anon 2:09
    If you would be so kind to go back and read the main post "They Come From Across the Land and read chapter 5 you will then see why you may have such a bleak opinion. Like alot of people you have probably "just tuned in" to this story.

    I assure you it has nothing to do with finding this young woman.

  197. homegrown12:35:00 PM

    What if the side that does not like the "hateful" comments the most just stopped posting on this site? Wonder if some of it (the hate) would go away?

  198. homegrown12:38:00 PM

    What if the side that does not like the hateful comments the most just stopped posting on this site? Wonder if some of it would go away?


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