Friday, September 25, 2009

Open Thread for Friday

Re-cap; this week in review. Open thread talk about whatever you want.
Enjoy, and relax. I hope everyone has a great weekend even to those that think I'm a terrible person.

post away if you dare.... ;)


  1. well, I'll start

    tomorrow I'm going down to NASA to watch the robotics team that's in reference to the post that Travis posted.

    it should be very interesting and I have only seen pictures of their work which I find very, very impressive.

    These young folks are our future and have invented some extremely complicated devises.

    It will be interesting to see what's in the works for this year and I'm very proud that both of my boys have had the opportunity to work with this.

    It is also noted that this is all a charity funded event and the volunteers that donate and supervise this ... deserve a hat tip for sure.

    If you have time come on down and support our future leaders and thank the volunteers.

  2. Anonymous9:39:00 PM

    wow. crickets chirping. hello? tumbleweeds?

    i guess if its not related to bashing others - its not interesting. hmmmm. . .

  3. 9:39

    being this is an open thread.

    How do you like your Mac? and is safari 1.3 as good as they say it is?

  4. hmmmmmmmm?

    now I hear crickets, does Texas have crickets?

  5. Anonymous12:08:00 AM

    Well, I'd like to say that I have noticed that people in town seem to be taking a lot more pride in there houses. I know that there are problem areas, but I am seeing a lot more young families out walking at night and a lot more kids out playing. Things are not going to happen overnight, but I am glad to live in Pocomoke and am looking forward to the future.
    I also recommend the new Discovery Center. I know that there is a lot of contoversy surrounding this project. They have taken a really neat old building and turned it into a world class museum. A walk through reminds me of what an rich history the area holds and is a jewel in the crown of our city. Years ago, our founding fathers took pride in the town and wanted to build things such as museums, churches, a marina, movie theater and a golf course to show the world that we were an educated and successful people. That time is coming again. Unfortunately the Tattler focused on the glass half empty. We have the chance with this blog to look at the glass half full. We are friendly people by nature and just need to re-connect to get that "small town" feeling back, where we can help each other out.

  6. 12:08

    Thanks, Pocomoke is a beautiful place.

    and I'm still being accused of posting places that I have not... LOL

    can y'all say PARANOID?

  7. Anonymous12:56:00 AM

    12:08, Thank You.

  8. Anonymous9:01:00 PM

    I had a great day with my kids. We flew kites and had a picnic.

    I kept wondering what Christine's kids were doing and who was doing it with them.


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