Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Judge: Runaway Convert Should Go Home

A Florida judge says he plans to order the teenager who ran away from Ohio to Florida because she feared physical harm for converting from Islam to Christianity sent back to Ohio.
>The Orlando judge said Tuesday that he will sign the order when he gets the documents on 17-year-old Rifqa Bary's immigration status.

Bary has been in foster care in Orlando while her case was being reviewed. The judge says he will likely turn over the case to an Ohio court in the next few weeks.
Bary ran away from her parents' Columbus-area home in July, saying she feared being killed for changing religions. But a Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation found no credible threats to Bary.


  1. Thanks for keeping up with this story. It will be a real shame if we can't protect this girl from those who are supposed to take care of her.

  2. I just pray she stays safe.

    I haven't read much about her family or how strong their muslim beliefs are, If they are recent citizens and have strong muslim beliefs that they brought from their country I fear she is in danger.


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