Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kratovil sending out spam

I have never been to Kratovil's website, signed-up for any emails etc.

Now I get this from;


This is an attempt from Kartovil to look like a conservative democrat, too late Frank you have shown your true colors at the town halls, and by supporting cap and tax. This is not old school politics anymore Frank, people are educated, they plant seeds in their memories, seeds like telling a small child that our returning vets commit suicide.

Sorry Frank, looks like you're a one termer......

Here's the email;

Dear Friends, October 13, 2009

As the health care reform debate continues in Washington, it is more important than ever for Congress to listen to the concerns of our constituents and craft a reform package that works for all Americans. Over the past few months, I’ve spoken with thousands of constituents at Town Hall meetings, one-on-one conversations, and telephone town hall forums. While opinions on the current legislation were varied, I’ve heard strong agreement that we ought to look for common sense ideas that protect the parts of health care system that work and fix the parts that don’t.

In order to get my vote, any health care reform bill must protect and expand patient choice, rein in skyrocketing costs for consumers and businesses, and break down the barriers that prevent millions of Americans from accessing coverage. These are goals that cross party lines, and the debate over how to achieve these goals should focus not on partisan rhetoric but on a discussion of common-sense solutions that will improve health care and reduce costs for all Americans.

Last week, I led a group of my fellow Freshman Representatives in sending a letter to House Leadership urging them to take a step back and address a number of the concerns that our constituents have raised. The letter highlights many of the common sense proposals we have heard in our town hall meetings: fostering competition across state lines, reducing malpractice suits and defensive medicine, protecting small businesses, and ensuring that health care reform does not increase the deficit. The letter is available on my website if you’d like to read more about the reforms for which I am fighting.

The message I have heard from my constituents is clear: We need reform, but legitimate concerns remain about the current legislation. In my view the current House bill does not do enough to accomplish the critical goals discussed above. However, I am hopeful that we can develop a proposal that will cut costs, preserve consumer choice, protect small businesses, and increase competition. We cannot afford to let obstructionists derail this debate, but nor should we be afraid to acknowledge that many of the concerns being raised are real and legitimate.

You can be confident that in the days ahead I will continue working to ensure that any health care reform bill meets the needs and goals of First District residents. Until it does, it will not have my support. As always please contact my office if you have any questions or concerns about this or any legislation, or if you need help with a federal agency.

With warm regards,

Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.

P.S – While the health care debate continues to draw most of the headlines, I want to touch on another issue that is affecting our district. Our national economy is starting to show some glimmers of a turnaround, but many homeowners here in Maryland and across the country continue to face the prospect of foreclosure due to a lost job, an unexpected medical emergency, or other economic hardships. On September 26th, I held a foreclosure prevention workshop in Cambridge where over 150 constituents attended and spoke privately with housing counselors, got free legal advice from experienced foreclosure attorneys, and met directly with representatives from major lenders. I will be holding similar workshops in other areas of the district in the months ahead, but if you or someone you know is facing a foreclosure, then please do not wait. Please contact my office at (410) 334-3072 to learn more about the resources available to help you stay in your home.


  1. If you have never been to his site and signed up for his email, someone probably did it for you as a joke. It has happend to me. Just wait till they make a contribution in your name.

  2. nope I've never been there,

    if they want to give their moolah away in my name they have more then me so they are welcome too, it's their money.


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