Wednesday, September 29, 2010

(UPDATE) Breaking News..... Pocomoke Middle School Stabbing

I don't know if it's true but the word on the street is that a person got stabbed to death at or near the Pocomoke Middle school.

The person that supposedly got stabbed is a well known young man that was raised in Pocomoke and has been in quite a bit of trouble, I'm withholding the name pending a news release.

(UPDATE) The Pocomoke Middle School was locked down today at or around 2:30 pm.

From an eyewitness; At or about 2:30 pm. The stabbing occurred on 8th street in or behind one of the small bungalows across from the Middle School.

The eyewitness reports a young man came running from in-between the houses and ran into the street where he started staggering and then fell to the ground in the roadway.

As he lay in the roadway another person came from the same location and stood over the victim for a short time then ran away while 2 other subjects went in another direction walking toward 7th street through the middle school parking area.

It's said that nearby patrons tried to do CPR on the victim and the ambulance and Pocomoke Police arrived on the scene very quickly. The Pocomoke Police apprehended the 2 subjects that were walking in the 7th street direction the other subjects whereabouts are unknown by the eyewitness.

The ambulance quickly removed the victim. The Pocomoke Police are still on the scene.

 I will reserve the victims name pending a police report.

(UPDATE2) It seams the word is out so I can now provide the name of the victim, It was Russell Bailey he was 17 or 18 years old.

Our prayers and condolences go out to the family.

If you have more information you would like to share please contact us @ or


  1. I was also told numerous times that the middle school was in lock down and was advised why.

    That was 5 hours ago. I am quite sure parents are wondering what occured today at school if they don't already know. I am also quite sure they are CONCERNED about sending their children tomorrow and the next day and the day after that!!

    The people of Pocomoke could use some reassurance that the area is safe. Just seems to me that out of consideration to the people and parents of Pocomoke City someone from the Pocomoke Police Dept. would have given a live statement on TV this evening. Any of the news stations would have been glad to carry it.

    Pocomoke citizens AND the citizens of other communities nearby deserve an explanation.

  2. Anonymous10:59:00 PM

    I agree JMMB. This is totally irresponsible of our local town government and their public duty to our community. Remaining silent is not good for the community.

  3. Yes it is irresponsible and it isn't fair to the children that were held in school yesterday to be returned tomorrow with hardly no explanation from someone in the city! Yes, I said someone in the city!

    What happened today near the school is the same thing that is happening in every town, no matter the size, all across America. It is real and needs to be met head on.

    But citizens can't act if they don't know ..... and if they don't know ALL of it.

  4. Anonymous1:49:00 AM

    I will say I heard a teen today that the stabbing happened earlier in the day. The school went on lockdown. One of them is actually not in school and dropped out. Happened to see 4 young teens walking down Market street around 1:30 pm and wondered what they were up to. Maybe I need to make a call.

  5. Anonymous1:59:00 AM

    JMMB, after reviewing md judiciary records, this young man had considerable trouble. He was on probation for burglary, CDS poss, trespassing, and the first two were Nolle Pros....with the third receiving a PBJ with unsupervised probation. What in the world and why did a judge do that? Heard from another teen the person who actually did stabbing was a younger teen.

  6. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    Check out case number: 23K08000252.
    He was sentenced last november with felony burglary charges to 18 months in the Worcester county. He has several related charges for past several years. He was placed on work release since last Jan. What kind of work release is our county jail running these days?

  7. I would have no idea. Perhaps an attorney or judge could answer that question.

    If you get a believable answer let us all know.


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