Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teen Dies After Stabbing

POCOMOKE CITY — An 18-year-old man died Wednesday after being stabbed, and Worcester County law enforcement officials are calling it a homicide.

The victim was stabbed around 3 p.m. in the area of Ninth Street and Laurel Street in Pocomoke City, according Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd. The victim was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, where he was pronounced dead.

Todd said the victim has been identified but declined to give the boy's name. Todd said the victim's body was found behind a home and showed no signs of life. He said the Worceter County Bureau of Investigation and Pocomoke City Police are investigating. Todd said it was the third homicide this year in Pocomoke.

Pocomoke City District 3 Councilman Bruce Morrison said the body was found across the street from the town's middle school. As a result, the town's elementary, middle, and high schools were put on lockdown for a brief time as classes were about to be let out, as a matter of protocol.

"It's getting scary," he said, noting the incident occured near his home. "I don't want to see things like this happening my town. I'm very concerned about it. I'm going to talk to the City Manager about it, and we're going to see what we can do about getting it under wraps."

Kudos to Councilman Morrison! I hope he will continue to work on this and all crime in the wonderful city of Pocomoke. The citizens deserve to know. The citizens NEED to know about ALL crime in the area. How can they fight something they do not have a full grasp on?


  1. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    They've been discussing things for months among themselves. But they aren't DISCUSSING THIS WITH THE PUBLIC!

  2. Anon 11:02 Are you sure "they" are? What are "they" supposed to be discussing?

    You can always go to a Council Meeting and ask. And don't be alarmed if you don't get an answer. If enough people show an interest in what IS happening instead of being critical you'll be included.

  3. Anonymous11:55:00 PM

    JMMB, have been to meetings. "They" are the people sitting to that table who were elected represent us. Local politicians making plans to move police station but not asking us, the public.

  4. Won't they let the citizens speak up about the move? That doesn't seem to be fair to those in attendence. I'm not tyring to be silly, I just don't know all of the circumstances.

    Personally, I don't think that's agood move but it's not by decision. Just don't give up and stay away from those meetings. If it was me I'd call the councilman or councilwoman in my neighborhood and talk with them. Or send them a letter.....even email. Call them on the phon.....just maybe make an attempt to find out and to let them know that you as a citizen would like to hear more about it. Don't give up.

  5. Anonymous1:46:00 AM

    I've tried. Questioned one of them at first 'community awareness" meeting and was told a lie. No we aren't moving.

    Next told by another councilperson, yes, we are moving police station. That's after they have already looked building over with Blake.

    And still not talked with the people about it.

  6. Anonymous11:45:00 AM

    Todd said this is the third homicide in Pocomoke this year. So that clears up the Sept 23 question. They must have been attempted homicides because Handy, the Hardee's and now this make 3.

  7. So that crime report was in error? I could have sworn it said one homicide somewhere on or near Clarke and the other listed Bank.

    That's odd.......

  8. Anonymous12:23:00 PM

    I think you all may have been reading the crime report incorrectly. It's says homicide but then the charge says att first degree murder. Maybe the "att" stands for attempted?
    Whatever I seriously doubt there were 2 murders last week, not the way stuff gets out around here. The whole of PC would have been buzzing about it.

  9. I hope there weren't. Time will tell, I guess.

  10. Anonymous1:04:00 PM

    Actually the one at Hardees parking lot, the two on 9/23 and then this one.......last time I could add makes FOUR!

    Public officials don't want to acknowledge them.

    God forbid they should have to.

  11. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    Check out case number: 23K08000252.
    He was sentenced last november with felony burglary charges to 18 months in the Worcester county. He has several related charges for past several years. He was placed on work release since last Jan. What kind of work release is our county jail running these days?


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