Friday, October 21, 2011

Animal Rescue And Care Shelter Needs Your Support

I’m taking part in the BARCStoberfest Strut Your Mutt to raise money for BALTIMORE ANIMAL RESCUE AND CARE SHELTER - please make a donation by visiting my FirstGiving page: 

You can donate online with a credit card. All donations are secure and sent directly to BALTIMORE ANIMAL RESCUE AND CARE SHELTER by FirstGiving, who will email you a printable record of your donation.

 Please send my page on to anyone who might like to donate!


Deborah Michelle
This young lady has been a foster mom to many helpless dogs for quite a while.  Out of those many  homeless dogs that have found homes she has only had to return two while in her care to the BARCS facility. Put simply, some dogs are not able to forget the horrible  treatment they received at the hand of another human being.  And sadly, not even love, patience, good food and  safe warm surroundings are the answer.

Your donation is very much appreciated and will go a long way towards showing these unfortunate animals that someone does care.  Thank you.


  1. I really hate seeing that shelters are in need, i wish they could get more funding. I just donated to my local shelter and picked up a kitten as well.

  2. Good luck to you and your new kitten. I'm sure the little thing is relieved to have a forever home.

    Most shelters don't receive any funding and rely on volunteers and donations from the public. They are always in need of bath towels, blankets, food, paper towels and even bowls and toys.

    Enjoy! :)

  3. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    That was so nice of you Shane to adopt a kitten. I have 4-2 boys and 2 girls- and just love them to death.


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