Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From Richard Douglas For Maryland Senate 2012

In Case You Missed It:
Press Coverage of Richard Douglas for U.S. Senate

"A dutiful Senator comprehends that he is a leader in his state as well as in Washington. He is not a distant bystander peering through a spyglass.  A genuine Senate leader speaks up before the shipwreck. Not after."
 -Richard Douglas
"Douglas, a College Park resident who worked in the U.S. Senate and served in Iraq, said Cardin has failed to represent state residents and instead is worried only about issues that align with his Democratic colleagues in the senate." - Diamondback

Pocomoke Public Eye / 3.12.12 / Douglas: Work with Israel   
"Ben Cardin needs to understand that if we should be working in concert with anyone it should be Israel." - Richard Douglas

Blue Ridge Forum / 3.11.12 / Douglas on Immigration
 "No other candidate in Maryland's US Senate race, including incumbent Ben Cardin, has more immigration, visa, nationality, and border security experience than I do." -Richard Douglas 
Monoblogue /  3.10.12 / Douglas: Jobs to Maryland  
Expanding on a point he made when he spoke at our Lincoln Day Dinner, U.S. Senate hopeful Richard Douglas bemoaned the loss of 1,400 manufacturing jobs when heavy equipment maker Caterpillar decided to build a factory in Athens, Georgia. - Monoblogue 

SBY News / 3.09.12 / Failed Senate Vote on Keystone
U.S. Sens. Ben Cardin and Harry Reid have no concept of the impact on workers which follows the death of projects like Keystone.

Hagerstown Herald-Mail / 3.8.12 / Tea Party Forum
Republican Richard J. Douglas said no federal government agency should be free from scrutiny. Douglas told the estimated 90 people in attendance that voters have to send the right people to the U.S. Senate who "have a backbone."  -Hagerstown Herald Mail
Upcoming radio:
WCBM "Sean and Frank" 680 AM Thursday, March 15 8:15 AM

Diamondback / 3.12.12 / College Republicans Forum

Cockeysville Patch /  3.13.12 / Douglas: Role of U.S. Senate  


  1. Anonymous3:42:00 PM

    There are ten candidates listed on the ballot for this seat in the primary election. I don't know any of them. Richard Douglas reminds me a little of Andy Clarke and Andy is a good guy so therefore I will vote for Mr. Douglas.

    Your friend,

  2. That's a good way to decide!

    As long as you get out there and VOTE!

  3. Your blog is really amazing with all the bits and pieces of information I can share with my friends and followers. Thanks and more power!

  4. Anonymous9:51:00 AM

    I'm voting for Mr Douglas also. These blog postings have made it easy for me to know his views.
    It's nice that candidates may have their own websites and facebooks but I'm not into searching them out. In this day and age of blogs there is no reason for them to not be reaching out to us


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