Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Charges Have Been Changed For Jackson

It appears that Clarence Butch Jackson (Junior) has now been charged with First Degree Murder in the death of Christine Sheddy.

Charges stem from the murder of Ms. Sheddy in November of 2007.

In 2011 Justin Hadel was sentenced to life behind bars  without the possibility of  parole for the muder of Christine Sheddy.


  1. Anonymous6:46:00 PM

    I imagine old Clarence thought he'd be out of ECI by now just in time for a summer of bonfires and partying (stealing and harassing people also) it up. He sure got fooled. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
    His troubles have only just begun. I hope he enjoys Worcester County Detention while he can because it won't be long before he's nothing more than a number within the MD Dept of Corrections for the rest of his miserable life.
    Ha Ha Ha-Sucker thought he could get away with murder.

  2. Anonymous9:17:00 PM

    I usually don't take pleasure in the misfortune of others but I will definitely make an exception in this case.

    Your friend,

  3. Anonymous2:07:00 PM

    Yup, he's on his way to being just a number in the system...he's earned it...just a shame his girlfriend won't see the quite the same fate as him given that she's not facing quite as serious charges as he...but she'll be a number in the system for long enough that it'll ruin the rest of her life...she won't be able to get a good job and might not be able to even get her kids back and that's priceless...

  4. Anonymous4:58:00 PM

    Tia could care less if she ever sees her kids other than the fact they are a meal ticket for her. They are the least of her worries. She's concerned about drinking, drugging, sex, working just enough to be able to buy alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

  5. Anonymous8:30:00 PM

    "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16.

    Your comments on this man show only contempt. He is a criminal, is caught and will most likely serve his live behind bars for his crime, something he deserves. You however will continue to anonymously condemn and keep two communities and a family from having closure over the death of a mother and daughter. If you feel this contempt keep it to yourself, but don't forget, bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to get sick.

  6. Anonymous8:42:00 PM

    "...bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to get sick."

    That's okay, I'm old, in poor health and don't have many years left anyway. I will be happy to drink poison if there is a chance it will make Butch and Tia sick.

    Your friend,

  7. Anonymous6:13:00 AM

    "family from having closure"
    Stop with the psycho babble overused notion of "closure."
    It does not exist. You learn to live with a loss and do smile again but it does not go away.

  8. Anonymous7:20:00 AM

    Personally I have nothing but "contempt" for these people.
    I just read in the Daily Times that Junior acted up in court yesterday, so my "contempt" for him has grown even more.

  9. Anonymous5:34:00 PM

    I with you Slim I'd drink the poison as well...love your sense of humor. Jr is getting what he deserved. And that's ashame if Tia feels that way about her kids but anyone who could load up her kids in the very car that is transporting a mother who was killed by the hands of her boyfriend should have told me she looks at her own children as a meal ticket I just hope her children don't follow her lead..


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