Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pocomoke Bookkeeper Charged In Theft

DATE: April 24, 2012
CBI Case # 12-0001
LOCATION: Nock’s Tire Service
1242 Ocean Highway
Pocomoke, MD
CHARGES: Theft Scheme over $100,000.00
ACCUSED: Julie D. Holland W/F 39yoa
Pocomoke, MD

NARRATIVE: Yesterday, Julie Holland of Pocomoke, Maryland was charged with a single-count criminal information for theft scheme over $100,000. Holland had been employed by Nock’s Tire Service as the bookkeeper for more than fifteen years before her employment ended in November 2011. The filing of this criminal information comes on the heels of a five-month-long investigation into missing funds from Nock’s Tire Service, Inc., Mason Quality Homes, and Mason Trucking, LLC, all Pocomoke businesses owned by Carlton Mason. The total dollar amount of the alleged thefts exceeds $400,000.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation was asked to investigate and Detective Corporal Robert Trautman, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office led the investigation after being provided extensive documentation from Charles Barnes, the General Manager of Nock’s Tire Service. Detective Corporal Trautman interviewed Holland, who at first denied her involvement with any theft from Nock’s Tire Service. Once confronted with bank records and credit card documents showing unauthorized transfers of money to her account from Nock’s Tire Service’s business checking account, Holland admitted to taking the funds. She later gave a written statement acknowledging that she took over $400,000 from her former employer. Holland stated that she had suffered some financial hardship, but could not explain where all of the money had gone.

The case is schedule for a May 2012 court date in the Worcester County Circuit Court.


  1. Anonymous2:34:00 PM

    This girl is UNBELIEVABLE...it amazes me that she had the nerve to go to work everyday along with her husband and face the very man she was stealing from...guess after a while it wasn't an issue since it went on for so long...how she was able to go to church on Sunday is mind blowing as well...what an example she has set for her children...when you can't earn it honestly just STEAL IT!!! If you can't afford it don't buy or gamble it Julie!!! Now there's a solution...stealing from the very man that gave you a paycheck each week was not the answer to your problems!! I hope you go jail for a long time..it'll give you the opportunity to think about what you've done and the mess you left your children to deal with!!

  2. Anonymous4:55:00 PM

    This kind of thing just shocks the heck out of me.

  3. Anonymous8:32:00 PM

    “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven" Luke 6:37


    "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matthew 6:14-15

  4. Anonymous8:34:00 PM

    ..."Holland stated that she had suffered some financial hardship, but could not explain where all of the money had gone."

    Wow,that's an average of about $513 a week or $2,050 a month over 15 years! How does one spend that much without being obvious? I've had times when I spent $500 in a week on liquor and whores, but not continuously for fifteen years! She could not have gambled that much without some winnings and it's hard to shove that much cocaine up one's nose. Where did the money go?

    Your friend,

  5. Anonymous10:26:00 PM

    As far as this goes I think everyone needs to keep there opinions to themselves because we don't know the full story. And as for the first comment what kind of christian are you to judge who goes to church, instead of bashing them you should be praying for this women and her family.

  6. Anonymous11:40:00 AM

    If it wasn't all over the news and in the newspapers and on just about every blog for all of the public to see...I could understand keeping opinions to one self...unfortunately for Julie, she made it so that we all can have an opinion..as a taxpayer who in the end will pay for her stealing the way she has, by the way of food and shelter in county lockup..she just gave me the right to have an opinion!!

  7. Anonymous2:35:00 PM

    None of that has anything to do with you being a civil Christian or human being. like i said if you were a Christian like you say you WOULD NOT be judging. i think we all need to pray and keep ones opinions to ones self especially since all of these most likely do not tell the whole story.

  8. Anonymous2:58:00 PM

    What more to the story could there be left to tell Anon 11:35? The woman stole $400,000! That's not lunch money. Being a civil Christian or civil human being has nothing to do with this. She not only broke a commandment of God she broke the law! Sometimes there can be no pity in your heart for someone that has been so inconsiderate. But plenty of thoughts and prayers) for the ones tangled in this mess that she created who are totally innocent. Not only her family but the business owner as well.

  9. Anonymous3:40:00 PM

    I'm not judging her...the facts are in..she admitted it!!! Can't be to much more to this story other than punishment day...

  10. Anonymous3:48:00 PM

    This is all in Gods hands. To be full of hatred and consumed with things all over the news that is only one side of an issue. I have never beleived the news to be 100 percent correct. We will see how things will play out. Julie does have a family and she loves them. Many of us do things later that we regret. Just know that God loves us no matter WHAT we do!!! and thats a fact. Julie you and your family are in my prayers and the Lord is with you.

  11. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    That still has nothing to do with you mocking this women's decision to go to church. It's apparent that you know her since you said she went to church so instead of doing this go pray with her or pray over her children and family.

    Matthew 7:1-2
    Luke 6:37

    You should know those.

  12. Anonymous4:00:00 PM

    But it is apparent you know this women so instead of mocking her decision to go to church why not go pray with her or over her children and family since your church attendee.

    Matthew 7:1-2
    Luke 6:37

    Maybe you should look into these. To the comment above that is a good way of looking at things. God will work all this out and Julie and her family are in my thoughts and prayers as well.

  13. Anonymous4:09:00 PM

    Julie is probably more embarrassed that Maryland Judiciary Case Search posted her real height and weight.

  14. Anonymous4:19:00 PM

    The Bible Quoter sure is talking out of both sides of their mouth! On one side they are saying do not be judgemental and then out of the other they are being judgemental.
    Very very hypocritical of you to be judgemental of another judgemental commenter.

  15. Anonymous4:25:00 PM

    Not being judgemental just what's true and not mocking someone's decision.

  16. Anonymous5:12:00 PM

    Good point 4:19 it is a bit hypocritical of her to judge me...I don't go to church with Julie I just know she goes to church and when she leads a life of crime (the 8th commandment is do not steal) I have to wonder of her character...I feel so sorry for her children because without question they are innocent of her crimes...I don't know her personally nor her family but make no mistake I'd pray with her anyday...she did this to her herself and her family and I feel as though because I made a comment, which, when its on a blog you can do that, as you have, I'm getting beat up for my opinion..if she didn't steal we wouldn't be commenting. 400,000 is definetly not lunch money...

  17. Anonymous5:15:00 PM

    Pocomoke is to small of a town if her kids go to public school not to be mocked for her behavior. This news has been all over and everyone is talking about her

  18. Anonymous9:19:00 PM

    Again not being judgemental. Speaking the truth. Call it like I see it!!!

  19. Anonymous11:44:00 AM

    how you well be so judgmental and hypocritical? who are we to judge this woman. were not perfect, nor is she, but it is not our place to judge her. and especially to judge her as a mother and a Christian? people who don't know her can keep there ungodly comments to themselves.and a far as you so called Christians, what kind of Christian are you to bash someone, i'm poetry sure my God wouldn't bash someone like you guys have. out sickens me God have mercy on your souls!

  20. Anonymous12:35:00 PM

    ..."were not perfect, nor is she, but it is not our place to judge her."

    If you think she is not perfect then you have already judged her, haven't you?

    Your friend,

  21. Anon 12:08 Ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH?? It's what all Americans have whether they are Christian or not! Not ONE anonymous complaint has said anything out of key about this woman. IF things get out of focus I WILL delete them. I have done it before on other posts and I will take the liberty at any time to do so again.......so don't press your luck.

    Take your finger pointing and Bible thumping and go elsewhere.....start your own blog. Dosen't make a difference to me just cease with the judgemental comments against those that have chosen to leave their opinions here. You have the wrong idea and they mean no harm....I'm sure God will understand that.

    Here's something that really puzzles me....If you are such a profound person of God why not be proud of it and leave your name...

  22. Anonymous1:12:00 PM

    I was taught that if you accuse someone of being judgemental than you yourself were being judgemental and behaving in a very UnGodly, Unchristian like manner.

    So now that being said...it's best to just keep your traps shut otherwise you become a study in hypocrisy.
    That of course is impossible with alot of so called Christians who think they are the last authority on everything and are so opinionated because they have this notion that if they pepper their opinions with Bible quotes it's okay and they will reap some sweet reward when they finally arrive at the pearly gates of Heaven.

  23. Anonymous10:17:00 PM

    If she had stolen 400,000 from you, I wonder what you say then??? especially if you trusted her for 15yrs thinking she was loyal..now let's talk bible thumper...

  24. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    I didn't ask for anyone's imput thanks.


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