Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday At The Pocomoke City Police Dept. Back To School Event

Pocomoke City Police Department's annual back to school picnic. The flyer put out said "RAIN OR SHINE" and it did both but that didn't seem to stop many from dropping by the police department for some free school supplies...and enjoying some refreshments.

Donations fell short this year but the money from the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council was not wasted. Angel, secretary for the Chief of Pocomoke did the purchasing, separating and bagging of the school supplies with each bag clearly marked for the appropriate grade. Bags filled with colored pencils, note paper, composition books, binders, highlighters, glue and more-- it was all there waiting to be claimed and taken to the first day of school - tomorrow!

Stuffing bags and making sure the appropriate supplies are in the age group intended is not an easy task and I would imagine a tedious one- but fun.  Malik- Angel's son,  played a big part in helping.  Great job, Malik!
PFC Tucker with the Pocomoke City Police Department was at the event today and assisted in handing out the school supplies.
PFC Joy Blades also helped.  Sixty-eight bags containing school supplies were handed out to the community school children today.  The supplies remaining will be donated to the Pocomoke schools.  With PFC Blades in this photo is Dispatcher Shawna Gammino.

Councilman Rob Clarke dropped by the police station.  Standing next to him PFC Tucker. Seated -LtoR Malik- (he's going to be something great someday!)   And Dispatcher Shawna Gammino-

Thanks for all your help and the great conversation!

And thank you so very much, Angel, for taking these photos!  Another great job .......she's always thinking....

There's more........

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