Sunday, August 26, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... A Banner Year For Pocomoke City!  

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1977

An article published in the Salisbury Daily Times was headlined Pocomoke City Points To 1976 As Best Productive Since 1878. City officials pointed to numerous accomplishments including:

*improvements to 21 streets

*a new paved roadway into Cypress Park

*hard surfacing a bicycle path and two parking areas

*new playground equipment at Cypress Park

*an architectural study for improvements to the downtown business district

*construction of a new dock and boat ramp at Laurel Street and at Winter Quarters Drive

*establishment of an Industrial Development Committee

*installation of new filters at the two water pumping plants

*a major reconstruction program at Winter Quarters Golf Club

*approval of new mercury vapor street lights and traffic control signs

*new housing code standards

*outside painting improvements at City Hall

*formation of a Medical Advisory Committee to seek improvements in health care facilities

*the First Annual Pocomoke City Cypress Festival.


June, 1985

At its statewide convention held in Ocean City, the Maryland Municipal League presented Pocomoke City the medium town award for its downtown area revitalization. The League represented 140 city and town governments throughout Maryland.

Footnote: A year earlier Pocomoke City was one of 17 communities nationwide named as finalists in the National Municipal League's All American Cities program.


November, 1936

(Daily News Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)


ONANCOCK, Nov. 18. (AP)- The newly constructed post office and municipal building will be dedicated here tomorrow with ceremonies in which representatives from all eastern shore towns will take part. Rep. S. Otis Bland of the 1st congressional district will be the principal speaker.

Fire departments from Eastville, Parksley, Chincoteague, Cape Charles and Tasley will join with the Onancock department in the street parade in which state police stations in this section, and the drum and bugle corps from Cape Charles will take part.

After the parade, to be held at 2 p.m., the two buildings will be open for public inspection.

The two-story municipal building, built on colonial lines, will house the fire department and town administration offices. The post office, also a two-story structure, stands on (not legible), formerly the site of an old hotel.

Both buildings were erected (with) aid of the Public Works Administration.  


September, 1884

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md)

Carrying Off a Court-House Fence

Snow Hill, Md., Sept. 23.- Since the court-house here was rebuilt in 1882-83 there has been no fence to enclose the yard, except the iron railing at its front entrance, the yard on the sides and the rear of the building being left open to the streets. It was generally known a few weeks ago that the county commissioners had ordered a barbed wire fence to be put around the unenclosed portion of the yard. The mere thought of such an unsightly structure in the center of the town aroused the indignation of the citizens, and they openly protested against it. The commissioners, however, did not give any heed to the numerous objections that reached them, and yesterday carpenters were set at work on the fence and by night had gotten it half up. Last night some unknown persons cut down a portion of the fence and carried off the coil of wire, which it is supposed they cast into the river. The commissioners are wrathy and will probably offer a reward for the detection of the offenders. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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