Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Change Maryland on Governor O'Malley's Offshore Wind Proposal

Change Maryland on Governor O'Malley's
Offshore Wind Proposal

Note: In the third try in as many years, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is attempting to push an offshore wind scheme onto Marylanders.  The following statement is from Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan who wrote about this last year in the Baltimore Sun.

Annapolis - "It seems that Governor O'Malley's main goal is to make gasoline and electricity more expensive for Marylanders already struggling under 24 other tax increases. He is again pushing to increase the gas tax and to force the cost of electricity to go up.

"The Governor's offshore wind proposal has already been tainted by crony capitalism and has green energy debacle written all over it. There is nothing in this proposal that prevents politically-connected insiders from reaping huge financial rewards off the backs of Maryland rate payers.

"This scheme is simply another tax increase by another name, forcing ratepayers to subsidize a box to be checked for O'Malley's presidential to do list.  When the results of the financial waste become clear, O'Malley will no longer be governor, but we will still be paying the bills for decades to come. Renewable energy is too important to let personal political ambitions ruin it."



"Governor Martin O’Malley Introduces Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013" 1.22.13

"Why do Annapolis leaders do these things? Because they can," Baltimore Sun 4.17.12,0,3065380.story

"For O’Malley and friend, interests align in offshore wind bill," Washington Post 3.15.11

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