Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Eastern Shore SPCA ~ Support Murphy's Fund

Donations Needed!
General CornWallace is a sweet, young Beagle who was running along I95 in N.C. when a good samaritan (who was on her way to the Eastern Shore) stopped to rescue him from immanent tragedy. She called the N.C. sheriff's office and they told her she might as well take the pup with her to VA since he would likely be put down if left in N.C. So she did!
He now has a home with us until his forever home is found. He tested positive for heartworms and is receiving his first of three treatments today. His treatments will run us around $500.00. Our funds are depleted so we reach out for your help!

 Support Murphy’s Fund!
Extraordinary Medical Needs for Dogs and Cats

Murphy’s Fund was created so we would have money in place for extraordinary medical needs here at the shelter. Most of the money in this account has been used to treat dogs who are positive for heartworms, making it easier for those dogs to be adopted.
When we have money in Murphy’s Fund, we can offer to cover this cost for a prospective adopter, but at this time, these funds are depleted.
If you’d like to make a donation where you know exactly how the money will be used, consider donating to Murphy’s Fund. You’ll know that you’re helping to pay for the extraordinary medical needs of a dog or a cat that we wouldn’t be able to provide this level of care for otherwise.
You can donate through paypal on our secure website:
No amount donated is too small!
Thank you for loving animals!

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