Thursday, February 27, 2014

David Craig Launches First Paid Media Campaign for Maryland Governor '14

David Craig Launches First Paid Media Campaign for Maryland Governor '14

Radio Spots Inform Electorate they can 'Vote Themselves a Raise'
David Craig announced the first paid media campaign among candidates for Governor in a radio spot that will run through March on Baltimore News-Talk radio stations.   The 30-second spot highlights Craig’s proposal to reduce and ultimately eliminate Maryland’s individual income tax.

The 30-second spots characterize the O’Malley – Brown record of raising taxes, fees and tolls and excessive regulation as a “job killer” that is causing Marylanders to flee to other states.

“The Governor has direct control over taxes and the budget, and I plan to use this power responsibility, said Craig. “Maryland is losing the economic race in this region and with it thousands of businesses and jobs to neighboring states.  It is time politicians enable people to vote themselves a raise instead of being penalized for trying to make ends meet.”

The ads will run on WBAL’s “C-4” and “Derek Hunter” shows.  On WCBM, the ads will air on “Sean and Frank” and national talk shows Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
In the ad, the Harford County Executive says, “I’m David Craig.  My plan will lower, and put us on a glide path to do away with the state personal income tax.  We’ll jump start economic growth, create jobs and keep Maryland families together.”Craig announced February 18 a sweeping reform of the individual income tax code that would save taxpayers $2.55 billion in a phased-in approach that puts the state on a glide path toward eliminating the tax altogether.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 94% of businesses pay taxes on personal returns as sole proprietorships, partnerships and certain types of corporations.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and job creation nationally,” said Craig.  “Maryland’s high personal income tax is a major impediment to attracting, expanding and retaining jobs.  It is critical that we eliminate this job killer.”

As county executive, Craig twice reduced Harford’s main revenue source – the property tax - saving taxpayers $50 million.

The radio buy will enable the campaign to amplify its tax message as Marylanders prepare for tax season.


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