Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hogan Outlines Economic Vision at Sold-Out Business Summit

February 27, 2014

ANNAPOLIS - GOP gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan outlined his plan to turn Maryland's economy around this morning at a Business Summit on Improving Maryland's Economic Competitiveness at the Westin Hotel in Annapolis. The event was the second of its kind, the first of which was hosted by Hogan and his grassroots organization Change Maryland last year. The event drew in nearly 400 business and community leaders from across the state. The Hogan for Governor Campaign held this year's event.

"According to one prominent national ranking, Maryland's business climate clocks in at 41st among the 50 states," Hogan charged. "That is simply unacceptable. Maryland can and should do better, and we will - by fixing three competitive disadvantages."

Hogan continued:
  • "First, we need to change Maryland's reputation as a state that is unfriendly to business…
  • Second, we need to change Maryland's tax structure to make it competitive with other states. That includes both personal and corporate taxes.
  • Third, we need to change Maryland's onerous and unpredictable regulatory environment."

  • In addition to Hogan laying out his economic plan, former Secretary of the Department of General Services Boyd Rutherford, Hogan's running mate, led a panel on improving Maryland's business climate and economic competitiveness. The panel included a number of well-respected state business leaders, including:

  • Wendy Merrill, small business owner and expert;
  • Tom Kelso, Managing Director at Matrix Capital Markets Group;
  • Rick Williamson, Senior Vice President of Leasing at St. John Properties;
  • James Brady, Former Secretary of the Department of Business & Economic Development, who now sits on the Board of Directors at T. Rowe Price.

  • A business owner for over 25 years, Larry Hogan has helped attract hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. He took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration, and founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Change Maryland, focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense policies to Annapolis.

    Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor, John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer.

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