Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Accidental release of murder suspect latest O'Malley-Brown failure to place Marylanders at risk

Despite assurances by Lt. Gov. Brown that administration addressed “issues” at Baltimore Detention Center, a state correctional facility went full weekend unaware that dangerous murder suspect was accidently released

Lt. Gov, Anthony Brown: “We took far-reaching, decisive action in response to the recent safety and personnel issues discovered at BCDC.”Baltimore Sun primary candidates questionnaire

Annapolis, MD – October 21, 2014 – Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan today issued the following statement following reports that a state-run corrections facility in Baltimore accidentally released a murder suspect. 

“The lives and safety of Marylanders are once again at risk because of a colossal management failure in an O’Malley-Brown Administration agency.  Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown on numerous occasions assured Maryland families that his administration had addressed the horrific problems in the Baltimore City Detention Center, which was overtaken by a dangerous street gang under their watch.  

“How many examples do overtaxed Marylanders need that Anthony Brown lacks the management and leadership skills necessary to run our state government?” Hogan asked.  

“Despite spending $288 million of our tax dollars, he couldn’t build a functioning Health Exchange website; despite 40 straight tax hikes, he raided billions from environmental and transportation trust funds; despite warnings, assisted living facilities with track records of abuse and neglect were awarded tens of millions in state contracts; and now we learn that a state-run detention center didn’t realize for a full weekend that it failed to detain a murder suspect.”

“As governor, I’ll hold my administration accountable to the people who pay their salaries.” 

What should be done to correct and prevent problems at the state-run Baltimore City Detention Center?” - Baltimore Sun 2014 gubernatorial primary questionnaire 

We took far-reaching, decisive action in response to the recent safety and personnel issues discovered at BCDC. – Anthony Brown response to Sun questionnaire
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For more information and interviews, contact Adam Dubitsky at O (443) 221-4450, M (240) 625-2683 adubitsky@hoganforgovernor.com or visit www.hoganforgovernor.com

Authority: Hogan-Rutherford Committee to Change Maryland.  John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

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