Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Times Endorses McDermott...Kinda..Sorta

“Times Endorses McDermott for Senate...Kinda, Sorta…”
by Delegate Mike McDermott

The DailyTimes rightly states, “It’s time for change in Annapolis” and then makes the case for that change by pointing out the failed policies which have continued to provide high unemployment, increased burdens on business, and no recovery from the Great Recession.

They go on to outline their rejection of Maryland’s Lieutenant Governor in favor of Larry Hogan with words that they should have also utilized to endorse me for the Senate seat in District 38.

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown/Senator Jim Mathias, the Democratic candidate for governor/Senator, has a distinguished career. His dedication to public service is remarkable. Sadly, however, he comes out of the same mindset that’s helped create Maryland’s current economic problems. Is Brown/Mathias likely to set a new course for the state and for job creation? It is hard to see that happening.”                -The Daily Times 10/19/14

To further their point, the Times goes on to highlight several key issues they believe Hogan will address. They are the same issues and policies that I have fought for in the House and campaigned on in the district:
• Lessen the tax burden.
• Reduce the impact of burdensome regulations, an especially important issue for the     Eastern Shore’s poultry industry.
• Promote jobs and the middle class.     -The Daily Times 10/19/14
Yet, the Daily Times appears bifurcated when they consider our future. They believe we need a new pilot, but they think the navigator should keep his job. I think the Times did a nice job on the Hogan piece so allow me again to offer another minor correction to make it perfect in closing:
When you vote, in early voting starting Thursday or at the polls on Nov. 4, think of the economy. Better yet, think of your children and grandchildren. Which candidate will best serve their futures?
In our view, it is clearly Larry Hogan and Mike McDermott.”
-The Daily Times 10/19/14
I could not have said it better myself!

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