Thursday, May 28, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1942.. Lower shore strawberries bringing big prices; 1954.. Eight Pocomoke High School seniors receive awards at graduation exercises; 1988.. Top Crisfield students are recognized;  1937.. Two former major league players are managing Eastern Shore League baseball teams; 1982.. Ad features a 10 megabyte computer system for only $5,995; 1885.. An Eastern Shore of Virginia location was the favorite residence of Martha Washington's first husband.

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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