Sunday, November 15, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1914, 1882, 1939, 1975, 1977.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

June, 1914..

The News, Frederick, Md. 

November, 1882
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac) 

Our Apprentice Boys.

ONANCOCK, Va., Nov. 18.


So few of our boys learn a trade at present, that I have thought it a matter which might well be made a subject of special mention in your paper, and comment upon the reasons therefor. It was not wont to be so. Indeed, many now living remember when it was the custom for at least one boy in every family, and frequently all the boys, to be put out as apprentices to learn some trade or business. It seems strange that a custom productive of so much good should be in our midst abandoned, that it is specially pertinent to inquire why it is so? The reason, as conceived to be, is that some false notion of propriety or economy has crept in upon us unawares. Or else this radical social change must be put down among the many sad calamities entailed upon us by the late civil war. It is a fact, that most the mechanics in Accomac County to-day have never served their time under any really skilled workman; but from pure ingenuity and good common sense have taught themselves almost all they know. It is equally true that America to-day, according to population, has fewer skilled artisans than any other first-class nation, and it is due to the premises that so few boys serve their trade. The evil is wide-spread and inherent. It is as much the fault of parents as boys. There are not a few parents, even in this county, who would consider it a family disgrace for one of their boys to be indentured to a trade; but it is no disgrace for that boy, twelve years old, to demoralize himself by the use of liquor, tobacco and by lounging around the street, and contract habits that would wreck any kind of humanity. Better by far that that boy be bound to some good mechanic to learn a trade, and what is just as valuable — habits of industry.

Is it not a fact that people who cannot pay their debts are often too high toned to labor? Why, if a man could see at once from the Atlantic shore to the Mississippi River, he would behold so many twelve year old boys, wearing long coats, tall hats, high collars, fancy neckties, subdued mustaches — driving fine teams — out courting — that he would be disgusted. It takes our boys to play the man. But the boy is not all to blame. The mothers and fathers now-a-days are as much in fault. If their boys are not full-fledge men — well shaved and dressed and out courting at twelve years — they begin to put them down as the black sheep of the neighborhood, and doubt their chances of future success. It delights the heart of many parents to see their boy hang around home — a professional dandy. I recognize a host of parents on the Shore who wish their boys to be a lawyer, a doctor, a dentist, a teacher or a preacher. They attach a special would-be honor to these professions and lose sight entirely of the true worth of their boy. Many a smart boy has been made a professional fool and aped through life, who should have been a mechanical genius, lived a life of usefulness and died with the laurel of triumph entwined on his brow. Parents should love, merit, and develop true worth to the exclusion of pride, pomp or show. Let us rehearse some names of a few American apprentice boys. I hope the patrons of THE ENTERPRISE will give one thought to the prominence of the men. That shoemaker, Roger Sherman, worked out his time and stayed at his bench until he was twenty-two years old. Cabinetmaker, Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, stood to his post until his health failed him. He was one of the true apprentice boys. When only ten years old, Andrew Johnson was bound out and served seven years at the tailor's trade. Every American knows something of Elihu Burnett, the learned blacksmith. President Grant and Jewell, Governor of Connecticut, were tanners. Vice-President Wilson was a shoemaker by trade. Benjamin Franklin was bound to his brother to learn the printing business. Vice-President Colfax was a printer by trade. It is very evident that what every profession, business or trade the acquisition of which doesn't imperatively demand time, labor, skill and patience, is not worth possessing. He who would wish to be independent is so far as a profitable trade will acquire, must make up his mind to serve his time. Honest toil is surely honorable, and he who has a good trade and is neither ashamed or afraid to follow it is truly the independent man.

Yours truly,


October, 1939
The Daily News Record (Harrisonburg, Va.)

$50,000 Blaze At Onancock, Va.

ONANCOCK, Oct. 18 (UP)—Three stores were razed today in a $50,000 fire that threatened the entire business district of this lower Eastern Shore town. 

Nine fire companies in a 60- mile area responded to the alarm and brought the flames under control in two hours after high winds died down. Firemen from as far south as Cape Charles and as far north as Princess Anne. Md., aided in fighting the blaze.

A recently remodeled brick building housing a grocery and two other grocery stores were raised.  Stocks of all three were destroyed. Flying embers ignited buildings on either side of the groceries, but damage to them was minor. It was not learned how the fire started.

January, 1975

"The Sting" with Paul Newman and Robert Redford was playing for six nights at the Marva Theatre in Pocomoke.  Admission: Adults $1.50, Children 75-cents.

March, 1977.. 

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

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