Sunday, November 1, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1924, 1967, 1941, 1972, 1893.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

December, 1924 (Time Machine archive)

(The Denton Journal)

Big Revival on the Peninsula

An old fashioned revival and anti-cussing movement is sweeping the Delmarva Peninsula, and swearing, bootlegging, unclean stories and the like are very unpopular, especially among the railroad men, says a dispatch in the Wilmington Evening News.  The reason is that this old fashioned revival is spreading over the Peninsula like a prairie fire.  The movement started at Pocomoke City the middle of September.  Rev. George W. Cooke, the well known evangelist, heard of some bootlegging down that way, and made up his mind that all that was needed was an old fashioned revival, such as was known 50 years ago.  He opened a meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Church, just opposite the spot where the Methodist parsonage had been burned be alleged bootleggers.  It was not long until men all through the community were getting converted and changing their lives.  The most popular subject, on the streets, in the stores and factories and homes, was the revival.  One day the community was stirred by the conversion of one "hard case" and then another until the buildings were packed shortly after six o'clock to hear the evangelist.

There were no spectacular methods, just straight from the shoulder he-man sermons.  Repeatedly Mr. Cooke would say: "This is no revival for a half-dozen old women and a few children- this is for men and for men who will pay 100 cents on the dollar and give 16 ounce to the pound.  Go out and live the way you know a red-blooded Christian ought to live."  Before the meetings were closed hundreds were converted, and money raised to replace the old parsonage with a new one, amounting to $10,000, and the new converts gave a large part of the money.

The work then spread to Delmar and the Evangelist Cooke was called to foster the work.  He began to preach and the people began to come until it was impossible to get a seat in the Methodist Episcopal Church after 630 in the evening.  Nightly the place was packed to suffocation and often they had to have "double headers" in one of the other churches.  Two meetings were going on at once and the whole community was strangely stirred.

The community for miles around was singing: "I have the joy down in my heart," and people in stores and on trains and in the railroad shops and the banks were praying and changing their lives.  Pool rooms were renovated, dark backrooms with liquids of more than 2.75 per cent were cleaned out, foul stories were discontinued and cussing on the streets became almost a criminal offense.

A Pennsylvania Railroad inspector, after making his tour of the peninsula, remarked, he had never known such an absence of cussing before among railroad men.  From one end of the peninsula to the other the chief topic of conversation is religion, and hundreds are being converted, homes are being reunited, and feuds of long standing are being straightened out.  A Jewish merchant remarked, "This is very wonderful, for they are paying me money that has been owing for years."  He afterward made a subscription to the church as he said this religion had been good for him.

James M. Tunnel, prominent Sussex county attorney, and late candidate on the Democratic ticket in Delaware for United States Senator, remarked- "I don't know what has happened on the peninsula, but at least a dozen men have spoken to me about their changed lives, and about the revival in Delmar."

The revival is spreading like an oldtime conflagration and it is sweeping into the churches men who have never been touched before.  The prayer meetings of a handful have increased into the hundreds in many places and it is hard to tell where it will stop.  While the work continues at Pocomoke City and Delmar and other places, Evangelist Cooke is now at Seaford, to which place the work has spread.

June, 1967..

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

March, 1941

George Ewell Dryden, principal of Stockton High School, was elected president of the Stockton Volunteer Fire Department. G. Rex Bromley, the U.S. Postmaster at Stockton, was elected vice-president.  Harold D. Cutright was elected Fire Chief and Preston S. Jones Assistant Chief.  Others elected were C. Merwyn Burgage secretary-treasurer and Estel G. Trader as Marshal.  A new, fully equipped, fire engine pumper was ordered for the department.  It would be the third piece of motor aparatus acquired since the organization of the Stockton Fire Department in 1924.

August, 1972 (Time Machine archive)
Bucks County Courier Times (Levittown, Pa.)

Nixon planning election campaign 



WASHINGTON (UPI) President Nixon has continued to assess his personal role in the coming election campaign in a series of behind-the-scenes strategy meetings with top aides.

The President returned Sunday afternoon from a relaxed weekend outing on Assateague Island, a 33-mile strand in the Atlantic on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia. 

He had with him his closest friends, including former Attorney General John N. Mitchell, who remains as one of his chief political brain-trusters; Charles G. "Bebe" Rebozo and New York industrialist Robert H. Abplanalp.

June, 1893..

Peninsula Enterprise

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