Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Doctors Contract; The Rest Of The Story (Update)

Ok, now that I have composed myself from the phone call I received from the Doctors wife about the contract I can write and explain why I wont sign that contract and why I and my family will not be going back to Dr Whittakers office.

This is probably going to be a long post but I urge you to read it in it’s entirety as this could be important to you and/or your family.

As I stated in a previous post I am on some strong pain meds do to severe nerve damage, I went to a pain management specialist that I didn’t like and I asked Dr Whittaker if his office would consider taking on the task of managing my pain in which they gladly agreed.

Pain management is a simple task for a Dr as they just prescribe you pain meds and change them until they find the right combination of medicine that keeps you the most comfortable.

So, a couple of months ago I signed a contract with Dr Whittakers office that I would agree to only using one pharmacy and only use one doctor to prescribe pain medication. I understand why they need to do this and I had no problem with that contract.

Doctor Whittakers office is a little screwed up when it comes to getting a refill on your meds because it can take up to 72 hours through their automated system in which you must use to gain a refill on any prescription he writes. Still I had no problem with that and timed it so I had my scrips.

This Tuesday I had an appointment to see the Dr again for a check-up and follow-up on the pain and other problems, again my pain meds need an adjustment so Jen his PA which is a wonderful caring person that will go out of her way to help you made some minor changes for me to try for a month, this is normal procedure.

Here’s where the problem started, a associate came in the room with a new contract for me to sign. This new contract had added from the previous contract that the Doctor at will and at anytime can call you in for a blood or urine test at random.

This was explained to me that the Dr had to resort to this to make sure his patients were actually taking the medication or not doing other drugs along with the medication.
Well this didn’t settle with me very well and I refused to sign that new contract. It’s a violation of our rights and it’s definitely unconstitutional.

Later that day the Doctors office called and I explained again why I would not sign the contract in the way it is worded now, I told her that if the Dr would like to get together with me maybe we could come to some compromise on how this contract is worded as not to offend. The young lady politely agreed with me and said she would have someone else call later.

The next day the Doctors wife called and started right off with “what is your problem?” she was very, very nasty and said I needed to stop calling their office to “bitch” about the way they do business, I kept my cool and told her to hold on a minuet, I have NOT called their office it was their office that kept calling me trying to get me to sign their contract.
She then went right into (with broken English) “well then you need to keep your wife out of your business” this is when our discussion turned sour, my wife as has never been in my business other than calling in the past for refills.

The Doctors wife, I think her name was Sue, just kept rambling on things that made no sense at all, throwing out several curse words and accusing me of doing things I shouldn’t be doing if I was “afraid” to sign their contract.

She then said I had an appointment coming up on the 30th of the month and if I came in the office and even mentioned “pain” I would be escorted out of their office. Then she asked if I wanted to keep the appointment because she didn’t need my business.

I told her that the way she just handled this situation I wanted to cancel that appointment and would promptly look for another Doctor, in which she replied “good we don’t want your kind here” and she went on to say if I did choose another Doctor she would be sure to charge me for any records that they had to forward to the new doctor.

There are many things I have left out of our conversation as to not totally embarrass the Doctor and his wife as he may not even know about her conversation with me.

I will urge everyone NOT to sign that contract, no doctor has the right to submit you to a random drug test to treat you, all Dr’s take an oath to keep you from pain. This is clearly a violation of the oath and a violation of your rights.

You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything!


My son just went to the post office and brought home a letter from Dr Whittaker.
it says.

Effective July 18, 2009 we are unable to continue to serve you as a patient of this practice due to patient/doctor conflict of interest which we can not seem to resolve.
we will gladly see you for acute visits only up to July 18, 2009.

LOL DUH! I already fired you Doc.


  1. Anonymous2:49:00 PM

    Doctors don't take an oath to keep you from pain, better reread the hippocratic oath. If Doctors' suspect something isn't kosher, they can ask for a sample. Prescription drug abuse is becoming almost as bad as the number of street deals. Also, why have someone else call for your prescriptions? Sounds very fishy.

  2. Anonymous3:11:00 PM

    "Look, when you hurt like I do I could care less if the bottle says take every 6 hours or not, I'm going to take them when I hurt, I have too, this is not a toothache. Sure I wait as long as I can before the next dose and then some because I know I'll run out to soon and will not have anything to curve the pain" drinking alot too? sounds like selfmedicating.

  3. 2:49 my wife calls to refill my scrips because I can't read the bottles, I'm leagally blind.
    Why would it sound "fishy" for a family member to call in a scrip?

    I don't drink, and what I mean about the hours in between dosage is they will say take evert 4-6 hours for example, I'll wait as long as I can but I might have to take one at 5 hours today and possibly 3 1/2 hours the next time.
    refer to the 72 hour wait time about running out. They will not fill a pain med even an hour before it time to run out, so with Whittakers refill policy one can go without there pain meds for 3 days.

    I'm not a junky, I just hurt.

    1. If your legally blind how are you able to write so much and read on here. You are wrong about the not filling because of an hour. Your wrong about the contract. Even specialist require the same exact contract as him only they get paid more for less time. I really feel you were being rude about his wife's english. That has nothing to do with a contract. Sounds like you have a racist problem here. Oh and don't forget his wife is more then what you said. She's the office manager there and has college degree. Her so called Broken English didn't mess up her education.

  4. Anonymous4:01:00 PM

    so, are y'all saying you would sign a contract that subjected you or a family member to a random urine test at anytime the Dr called?

  5. Anonymous4:03:00 PM

    Got nothing to hide, you will. if oxycotin or some pain med you are taking is disappearing, oh yeah, da!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Got nothing to hide, you will. if oxycotin or some pain med you are taking is disappearing, oh yeah, da!

    4:03 PM

    nothing is disappearing, in fact they last longer then they should.
    they just don't work, at all.
    I have a very high tolerance

    1. How can you say the pain meds last longer then they should and yet state they aren't working ? Excuse me for being confused here They have to be working in some manner for you to state they last longer then they should ! Yes I'm all over this conversation and post you wrote because you have caused so many people problems with all these comments.

  7. Anonymous4:24:00 PM

    Wow! Is this the doctors policy or is it a real new government policy?

    Either way I agree with you. I would not sign it either. You can believe that in todays society there are doctors that will prescribe illegal meds to people that do not need them just aws people that do not need them can get them for resale.

    I know this is not what you are doing but for some reason the people today that are really in need must suffer because another was dishonest. That's not your fault.

    Based on the way your doctor's wife spoke to you I would never return either. But I would write a nice terse letter to the Doctor, send it registered by mail so he will know about your heartless conversation with his wife.

    There are far too many doctors out there that can help you I am sure.

    If he doesn't need your business you don't need him.

    I had something like that happen to me a few months ago at my doctors office except it was onver a damned HPPA form. I didn't sign it because I wanted more than one signature on it. They looked at me like I had 2 heads. I explained the conditions in my family and they finally understood.
    Personlly, if I ever get that ill and can not speak for myself I won't care and I won't care who they discuss my problems with.

    Stick to your decision. It's about time it is known that some people won't and don't sign a form just because someone says so.

    Good luck. Keep us posted.

    You took the wrong turn, buddy.

    1. Not being rude here but to be honest, he didn't need a complicated patient like that. Any Dr would take ease and peace in letting go of someone who is posting bad things about them. The fear of lawsuits over a stumped toe or contract etc etc.
      I, just from reading this person's post wouldn't even want them stepping on my property in fear they would file a false lawsuit against me someway. Also there were so many patients it took month or so to get in for a visit unless of emergency. He stopped taking on new patients because he had way too many. So what Dr in his position wouldn't let someone go or release them etc when people are practically begging to get an appointment with him and there's this man posting about having to sign a contract. I myself told all my Drs that I rather they call me out of the blue for drug testing so they know I'm honest I rather have it that way and know that my dr believes in me.

  8. The Hippocratic Oath: Modern Version

    I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

    I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

    I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

    I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

    I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

    I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

    I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

    I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

    I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

    If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

    Written in 1964 by Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, and used in many medical schools today.

  9. Anonymous7:56:00 PM

    so what part says you get a prescription for oxycotin or vicodin if a doctor doesnt believe it is in your best interest; who knows best? the doctor or the patient wanna be doctor?

  10. Anonymous said...
    so what part says you get a prescription for oxycotin or vicodin if a doctor doesnt believe it is in your best interest; who knows best? the doctor or the patient wanna be doctor?

    7:56 PM

    nowhere does do I or anyone say this is about the medication, in fact just the opposite.
    I said the medication was not working.
    It's about the rights of the patients and standing up for what I believe in. It's pretty obvious that if I refuse to sign a piss test contract that I will not be taking any of the meds you mention because they wont be prescribed.

    I will deal with the pain to protect your rights.

    Would you?

  11. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    did i hear he was being investigated for being a dr feelgood kinda deal?

  12. Anonymous said...
    did i hear he was being investigated for being a dr feelgood kinda deal?

    11:02 PM
    I really don't know, I haven't heard.

  13. I have read everything here. Dr Whittaker is a kind and caring Dr. One of the Best Drs in our area. I'm just a patient. However by reading what you wrote I will say your 100% wrong about the rules, guidelines and contracts. You are probably one of the people who has caused so many honest people to have to go through he'll right now. I hope you don't find another Dr for pain management because many people are suffering from your lashing him.
    He did not ask for anything from you that he hasn't asked from all his patients. Furthermore those contracts are the works of government and DEA rules and regulations. If you weren't doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about obviously you have something to hide here and feel your privacy is no longer private When you sign up to take pain meds (which as you stated that kept having to be increased ) Then you need to prove your pain as well as the fact that your taking all of the medication . By these urine test they are able to tell if your taking the required dosage.
    On top of all that let me add another reason why you needed to sign contract.
    If you are honest and not doing anything wrong the test is fine However if your doing other drugs because you alledgeally couldn't get enough pain medication and you happen to die they will do autopsy . They will see your strong opid intake and other narcotics and it will fall on Dr. Whittaker shoulders should you die. Given the fact that by not checking his patients to ensure everything is legal to take and your not mixing drugs.
    He is putting his life and career on the line for you by trying to make you comfortable and not suffer. How ever it's clear here that you wouldn't put yourself in his place why should he stick his neck out for someone who doesn't want to follow the same rules as everyone else??? Yes I sound furious because of you so many other people have to be punished medically and financially . He isn't writing scripts for pain management anymore. Older people and very wick people have to drive 30 miles or so to see a specialist for pain. And guess what??? Even there they have to sign those same contracts. So get over it. You should be the one apologizing to him and all the patients you have caused such problems for.

    I have been his patient since he first started practice and my entire family goes there . He is THE ONLY DR IN POCOMOKE THAT REALLY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT YOUR WELL BEING!! You will never find one who remembers your name much less your entire medical conditions and caring enough to make sure you are not suffering. That man, Dr. Etc that you've been bashing on here has worked his ads off every day and don't think he doesn't have pain cause he suffers too. He just doesn't cry about it to his patients. However no matter how tired he is or how sick he may be, he is the most kind,loving, caring and devoted Dr you will ever find I could go on forever here with you but I've already wasted too much time reading and commenting on your hateful post that has caused so many people a lot of pain and suffering.

  14. Excuse my typos I happen to be suffering from multiple medical conditions which have been elevated bythe anonymous patient that has posted such hate for Dr Whittaker .

    If Dr Whittaker was considered Dr. Feelgood (as suggested here ) its because he and his staff work very hard and long hours to properly take care of the patient's. Dr Whittaker is the reason I'm alive. When even the highly paid specialist failed me so bad he listened and still does listen. I have heart disease or CAD. When heart Drs ran tests and said my heart was fine , I had severe blockages Dr Whittaker never doubted me. I had a heart attack after blockages were cleared but heart Drs still run tests and say they see nothing. I have 12 stents in the main right artery and the left & cir are totally blocked off. Had all the Drs and 1 hospital taken a good look inside by doing an angieagram my arteries wouldn't be so bad Had the Drs I seen all my life took the time to check my cholesterol and explain what could happen (like Dr Whittaker has taken time for) i wouldnt be suffering so bad. Im that patient who is the last patient at the end of the day. The one who has been in the room until almost 8pm with him an nurse . The reason for so late is because he cares more about my life then the tiny bit of money my insurance pays him. He makes nothing from my visit. He's not the one who told me this either. I happen to have several family members who work for Drs and they have told me. I'm so upset about what you said. I think it was good you stayed anonymous because of all the honest and sickly people you have caused so much suffering for.


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