Friday, June 19, 2009

Super Walmart in Onley

Boy this will put a dent in Pocomokes Wal*Mart.
I'm glad to finally see it happen, if you look around in pocomoke Wal*Mart parking lot there are as many if not more Virginia cars as it is Maryland.

This will greatly benefit those that drive 35-40 miles and more to shop at the Pocomoke store.
It's long overdue for the Virginia locals.

The bid process for construction of a Super Walmart in Onley is underway.Larry Forbes, director of economic development in Accomack, said Wednesday that work could begin at the site along Lankford Highway in a month.The company invited four contractors, the ones that usually build the mega-stores, to bid on the project this week. Forbes said Walmart gives the businesses two weeks to present their proposals, generally awards the contract in the third week and construction begins in the fourth.Forbes distributes flash drives with the names of more than 400 local companies whenever a company shows an interest in the county. Those businesses will likely compete for subcontracting jobs at the site, he said.There was a delay in the schedule earlier this year when the discount chain enlarged the grocery section of the store.


  1. Actually, I am dissapointed to see that Onley finally caved in to the pressure.

    There is a film called WalMart Busters that was on the Documentary Channel, that was quite eye opening.

    I am all for free enterprise, and for a free market economy, but unlike Sam, his heirs did not follow suite and demand that everything that Walmart sells be made in America.

    Can you imagine the Economic impact on the economy if everything in every Walmart were made in America?

    But I am going off topic...the issue that I have is that Walmart started with a business plan of having a store every 30 miles as a goal. They accomplished it. In more urban areas their goal is to have a store every 12 miles.

    Think back, Walmart was in Salisbury first, then 30 miles away Pocomoke, now 30 miles away Onley. More urban, North Salisbury Walmart-Fruitland Walmart
    12 miles?

    When Walmart comes to a town, they undercut everyother store in the area and force the other stores to cut their prices to a point that they no longer make a profit, and end up going out of business.
    Remember, I am a free market fan. Yet Walmart has buying power that NO OTHER company has.
    There is no way to compete. Which is fine. Here lies the problem...
    The people who own the businesses that are put out of business are the local CEO's of local companies.
    They are the largest contributors of local civic organizations and they are usually the volunteers who work local efforts.
    Once those business's go out of business, everyone suffers.
    Additionally, not one business that has gone out of business because of Walmart has never ever reopened if Walmart decides their store is not making enough money.

    Yes, Walmarts CLOSE, and hundreds have closed across the country because they are in areas that they just don't get the business that they expected.
    But when they close, the little grocery store down the street never comes back.

    While I understand your frustration of our Walmart being a zoo on weekends and holidays, what if the opening of the Onley location causes our Walmart to operate at a defficit and it closes?
    Will Meatland come back? Will Thriftway come back? Will Acme come back?
    I don't think so, and that I find very sad.

  2. I hate walmart too, but it will free up some of the family reunions in our store LOL

    call me selfish but I like to shop, not wait for a group of people to get done talking before I can get to what I want.

    I hate walmart, but what choice do we have?

    I wonder what store will put them out? just like all the rest that have come and gone, something will come along.

  3. Anonymous7:48:00 AM

    The new Walmart in Onley will not only effect that area but the surrounding areas as well.

    Look at what happened to your "downtown" in Pocomoke. Many years ago, before Walmart was built in Pocomoke your city council did NOT want a Walmart anywhere in Pocomoke because they were trying to save what was downtown at the time. Then later they gave in and now you have Walmart but no business downtown.

    I just think that having a Walmart in Onley will harm the many grocery stores and small shops located not only in the shopping centers down here but scattered along the way.

    I never did think Walmart was the American way to shop.



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